History doesn't rhyme, it repeats. And what we're living through right now seems to be a repeat of the banking crises that led to the Great Depression and Weimar Republic hyperinflationary event.
Dave Collum and Rudy Havenstein join the show to discuss FinTwit, what the underworld of financial reporting looked like before Twitter, the polarized political environment in the US, the out of control intelligence apparatus, how the Fed is a completely fraudulant organization, and much more. History doesn't rhyme, it repeats. And what we're living through right now seems to be a repeat of the banking crises that led to the Great Depression and Weimar Republic hyperinflationary event.
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5:30 - Bants
11:41 - Background
27:20 - Banking crisis lull
33:12 - Media collapse and Twitter
48:43 - Evil rulers
1:15:10 - Corporate press and those they hate
1:22:35 - Younger generations
1:30:21 - Forth turning and inflation
1:58:20 - CBDCs vs Bitcoin
2:03:49 - Final words from Rudy
2:05:39 - Rabbit holes on rabbit holes