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Tulsi Gabbard on American Democracy: Warning Bells and Wake-Up Calls

Mar 25, 2024

Tulsi Gabbard on American Democracy: Warning Bells and Wake-Up Calls

Tulsi Gabbard on American Democracy: Warning Bells and Wake-Up Calls

Key Takeaways

This podcast episode with Tucker Carlson delves deep into the political journey of Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democratic Congresswoman who has made a significant shift in the political spectrum over the last eleven years. In 2013, Gabbard was celebrated as the future of the Democratic Party, a stark contrast to her 2024 headlining act at CPAC, where she criticized the Democratic elite and warned of attacks on democracy and freedom. This transformation is central to the episode's theme and provides a framework to understand the changes within the Democratic Party and Gabbard's personal evolution.

Gabbard's story is one of critical thinking, courage to challenge the status quo, and a commitment to the values she holds dear, particularly regarding foreign policy and the cost of war. Her stance against military intervention in Syria in 2013 marked the beginning of her alienation from Democratic leadership, escalating with her resignation from the DNC vice-chair position in 2016 to endorse Bernie Sanders.

The podcast touches upon themes of power, the establishment’s resistance to change, the weaponization of government agencies, and the importance of constitutional rights. Gabbard's experience highlights the intersection of politics, money, and power, while advocating for a return to foundational American values and the rejection of elite control over political narratives.

Best Quotes

  1. "Our democracy is under attack. The perpetrators of this attack are those who, in the name of saving our democracy, are destroying it." - Tulsi Gabbard at CPAC, emphasizing her concern for what she perceives as the erosion of democratic principles by those in power.
  2. "They are so terrified that we, the people, may make what they think is the wrong choice... they're actually destroying our democracy and taking away our freedom." - Gabbard speaking on the fear among the Democratic elite of losing control over the electorate's decisions.
  3. "I didn't go to Washington to be loved by the people who live and exist and thrive in that bubble." - Gabbard explaining her indifference to the approval of Washington insiders, asserting her commitment to her constituents and values over political popularity.
  4. "Why should they be forced to do something with the passage of a law? Why don't they just do the right thing?" - Gabbard on why politicians should voluntarily refrain from stock trading, rather than needing legislation to enforce ethical behavior.
  5. "Our nation's founders... continued to say it's we the people, that our government does not exist without the consent of the governed." - Gabbard reinforcing the idea that the power of the government is derived from the people, a foundational American principle.


Tulsi Gabbard's appearance on the podcast paints the picture of a political maverick who has experienced a dramatic shift in her career, moving from a Democratic rising star to a voice of warning about the party’s trajectory. Her journey reflects a broader conversation about the nature of American democracy, the role of the establishment, and the need for a return to foundational values.

Her story underscores the complexity of the political landscape, where convictions can lead to both alienation and admiration, depending on the audience. Gabbard’s emphasis on the constitution, her caution against the abuse of power, and her plea for the public to reclaim their political agency resonate as calls to action in an era of perceived overreach by the elite.

The podcast episode does more than recount Gabbard's political history; it challenges listeners to consider the state of American democracy and the importance of integrity and principled stances in political leadership. As Gabbard continues to speak out, her message serves as a catalyst for discussion and reflection on the future of political discourse in the United States.


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