This podcast episode unpacks Bitcoin as a decentralized alternative to fiat currency, exposes the unsustainable U.S. debt crisis, and examines the hidden influence of government and corporate interests on finance, food, and technology addiction.
The podcast episode explores Bitcoin’s role as a decentralized financial system, contrasting it with fiat currencies manipulated by central banks and governments. It delves into the U.S. debt crisis, highlighting how inflation acts as a hidden tax that erodes wealth and forces speculative investments. The discussion also examines societal issues like dietary misinformation, technology addiction, and the rise of online gambling, revealing how corporate and governmental interests shape public behavior. Finally, the hosts debate the future of decentralization, questioning whether Bitcoin can resist government control as financial power becomes increasingly centralized.
This episode provides an eye-opening exploration of Bitcoin, finance, and societal control, using McCusker’s curiosity as a gateway for skeptics. It highlights the flaws of the current financial system, the dangers of inflation, and the growing role of decentralization in resisting government overreach. Beyond Bitcoin, discussions on food, technology addiction, and surveillance reveal a broader struggle for self-sovereignty. As institutions resist Bitcoin, individuals are increasingly recognizing its value as a safeguard against economic instability and loss of privacy, making this episode a compelling case for taking Bitcoin seriously.
0:00 - Intro
1:01 - First steps to understanding bitcoin
12:58 - Fix the money, fix the world
21:38 - Fold & Bitkey
23:33 - Mining and quantum computers
30:35 - AI and China
35:56 - Unchained
36:57 - What bitcoin does to finance
42:11 - Blockchain scams and warped reality
47:35 - V4V
51:30 - Gambling and free will
57:01 - How comedy helps a messed up world
1:03:44 - Modern media and phones
1:07:44 - School, nicotine and writing
1:13:12 - The book Marty would write
1:18:50 - Fiat food, raw milk and MAHA
1:32:01 - Poison everywhere, p*rn is the worst
1:44:46 - Wrap up
(00:00) it's like alien technology to me every time I hear about it I'm like glad it's doing well I don't know how it just goes up and then it crashes I'm like of course it's going to crash and it goes up I'm like of course it was going up it can't stop this [ __ ] I I don't know anything about it if quantum comes we have much bigger problems but even if it does come Bitcoin developers have game plan what we would do people get bugged out cuz always like the D trying to set up the One World Government it's like I think it's coming I I really do
(00:24) Aristotle Socrates founding fathers it's in the Bible you get These Warnings throughout history don't [ __ ] up the m cuz it [ __ ] up Society so what happens in the future say it all works out they're all bought up and then there's people who have like no Bitcoins do they become like surfs raw milk as a term is a s up it's just like how it's just milk it was milk for thousands of years and you can test it and think about it's crazy we're being poisoned from the inside or entertainments just being at nck it's pretty the '90s were like a a
(00:51) true Dark Age deep rabbit hole it's the Rost sh started that did they really yeah it's evil that's evil curious to learn about it yeah I am it's it's like alien technology to me every time I hear about it I'm like glad it's doing well I don't know how I don't know what to do about that but I'm really happy about that yeah the uh I guess all right if you're curious to learn about the first question is like how do you understand Bitcoin like how would you describe it your understanding of I don't understand it it's just a thing I
(01:22) see and I'm like oh [ __ ] it's up it's up it just goes up then it crashes I'm like of course it's going to crash and it goes up I'm like of course it was going up you can't stop as [ __ ] I I don't know anything about it do you view like a stock uh money uh do you understand how it works or I you mean like stocks well like that's like I understand stocks I don't understand Bitcoin I'm like so to put it this way it's like stocks I understand like the stocks that pay you dividends and you can buy those and they'll give you dividends back Bitcoins
(01:50) like you buy it and hold it you just like sell off a little bit like I don't understand how it like like generates cash it doesn't generate cash yeah that's right there's 21 million Bitcoin it is what uh is called like a digital Bearer asset so it's like cash it's like digital cash it's like dollar bills on the internet um the whole idea is that it's a it's a monetary system like a new money that ultimately will replace Fiat currencies like the dollar the Euro the Yen and so the idea is that there's only ever going to be 21 million and um if
(02:24) you cumulate Bitcoin use it as a savings vehicle um the thesis is that more people are going to recognize that is a better monetary good compared to the dollar the end the Euro you're going to adopt it so what's non Fiat about big that's what I don't understand like why how is it not Fiat so Fiat the term Fiat Lally means by decree M um and so when you're talking about the dollar the Euro the Yen it is literally decreed by the central banks and governments we like this is the money here's how it works we're going to decree how many units
(02:56) exist at any given point in time what the interest rate associated without banks trade it um it's Fiat by decree whereas Bitcoin it's a decentralized system and you don't have the ability like once Satoshi launched it and basically set the parameters and the rules there's nothing anybody can decree to change that gotta so you're forced and the other part of the decree is uh you're forced to use it like US dollar you had to pay taxes in it and you're not allowed you're not supposed to use other monetary Goods um to pay taxes and
(03:27) other stuff and the idea of Bitcoin is it launched and it's completely external to these Fiat systems and there's nothing that the governments or central banks can do to stop it so anybody's free to acquire it hold it whatever it may be gotcha and it yeah so so can they tax it like can you get tax on bitcoin yeah you do now so you get capital gains taxes viewed as a commodity um and so if you buy let say if you buy if you bought one Bitcoin at $100 it went up to a th000 you sold it there you've got a cap gains tax on the gains that's 900 so if
(04:03) you don't sell it you don't get tax no cool and there's people pushing to basically eliminate the cap gain's tax on bitcoin or make it to Minimus where you can spend $200 worth the Bitcoin not have to worry about the taxes yeah so that makes sense why why did he only issue 21 million in total I don't think anybody knows why 21 million exactly um satoshi's written about it on forums he's like I just came to this number I think the more important thing is that it's scarce because that's the problem with these Fiat currencies they just
(04:35) print and dilute the value each individual unit and Satoshi he made explicit sort of proclamations when he launched Bitcoin and when he was writing about it like this is I'm launching the system to directly compete with the Fiat system because central banks governments and Commercial banks have proven time and time again that if they have the ability to pull the levers to manipulate the money they will and that comes at the severe detriment to the Common Man and so what Society needs is a money that can't be manipulated and here's
(05:09) Bitcoin it's kind of tight yeah so what happens in the future say it all works out and then like there's 21 million Bitcoins and they're they're all bought up and then there's people who have like no Bitcoins do they become like surfs no digital currency age or like what happens to them no I mean eventually like if it gets to that point and Bitcoin is the money people will work for Bitcoin people will acquire it it to spread around yeah and the idea too is like even if you don't adopt Bitcoin you're going to
(05:37) benefit because it's sort of forces better decisions from uh an investment perspective a capital allocation like I think a lot of the problems that exist today is because you can just print money and throw it at a bunch of [ __ ] yeah so you look like one of my favorite examples is the University system like affected for they're a million dollar it's like a million bucks to go to school why is that because the government told the Millennials in now gen Z like if you want to go to college we will give you a loan mhm like you no questions asked
(06:10) we're going to give you a loan how are those loans produced they literally print the money yeah and then the colleges say oh they're going to give all these students loans and they're going to print the money to do it so we can just raise our prices because it doesn't matter how high they go yeah dude I got I went and got my masters a few years ago and I was kind of sick over the price it was like once I was in there I was like dude we're watching TED talks yeah like of us in the basement Watching Ted Talks this is 60g like I
(06:33) don't know about that dude I I know somebody from back home there uh went to boner and got into Villanova but they're like fighting for a scholarship because they didn't want to pay 90 grand a year to go get a fouryear degree yeah like it's not not viable and then the product's shitty too cu the University was like the government's going to print the money we can raise our prices and the outcome of the education we provide really doesn't matter I think the money's going to come anyway and so we can just have kids in a
(07:03) basement Watching Ted Talks and it's a docent Netflix documentaries we watched like n like dude I have I've seen this before I watched this in my house it's 12 bucks like I have the monthly membership yeah but yeah I mean I'm I think it's cool man I I hope it works out it seems like a good thing what what have what have like some of like governing bodies done to kind of like curtail the spread of it or kind of like they have they ever like sabotage like why did it crash out of nowhere um it's crash crash it's it like goes through
(07:32) these volatile run up crash run up but it's always gone up and to the right yeah the government I mean particularly under Biden directly attacked the uh the industry particularly at the banking layer so I'm not sure if you've heard of operation chokepoint and operation choke point 2.0 but Elizabeth War and the FDIC um and the treasury Department during the Biden Administration essentially attacked the attacked the banks that uh that uh were banking in companies in the industry so one that went down was silvergate and this was around the FTX
(08:06) stuff um but silvergate knew that they were in a risky industry uh with their counterparts being crypto businesses and they basically built their balance sheet in a way where they would make it so no matter what happened they'd always be able to get dollars back to their depositors and during the FTX stuff people were obviously running on the bank like saying silvergate FTX is Bank we need to get our cash and since silvergate set it up a certain way they were able to get cash back to everybody but despite that Elizabeth Warren uh the
(08:38) FDIC and the treasury did not like the industry because it directly competes with dollar um and so they just took the bank out and then there was another bank signature they did something similar and then Silicon Valley Bank came after that but I think that was a knock on effect of silvergate and signature going down gotcha there's other things they've um arrested developers who've written open source code to let people use Bitcoin um in a self- sovereign way um so there's cases that are going on right now um
(09:10) particularly developers that make it easier for people to use Bitcoin privately um so there has been attacks yeah cuz that was one thing I tried to buy it a while ago and it was like I had to put like a picture of my driver's license and like I was just like like weirded out like dude where the [ __ ] is this going yeah that's the uh that's an unfortunate um if you're running like a regulated exchange just due to like kyc AML laws like you have to check that box and it's unfortunate and that's that's another
(09:39) thing like bitcoin's trying to fix in a sort of indirect way is um all this data collection that whether it's when you sign up for exchange you have to give your social and your driver's license or simply like um buying [ __ ] on the internet having to put your credit card in and save it in the browser yeah I didn't mind it like you know if you like if you know what it is it's like just like sign up for a bank account so I was like whatever but I remember thinking like dude where is this is this like some weird like place somewhere across
(10:07) the cont across the globe just like sweet we got his [ __ ] now [ __ ] this guy we got his inform I mean that because all these companies are forced to collect that data and that's like been one thing in the industry that's not good uh is they don't secure that data correctly it's not just um Bitcoin and crypto exchanges this is true for banks and other um entities that are Force that data but like people in the dark web literally Target these data repositories with all this information and then use it to basically steal people's identities or
(10:41) what's really beginning to happen in the world of Bitcoin which is unfortunate is they figure out where they live um can see that they've been buying Bitcoin and Bitcoin if you're able to successfully get somebody to send it from their wallet to your wallet it's hard to recover so it creates this like perverse incentive for so someone can just snag your Bitcoin uh it's hard but it can be done yeah I mean they could come put a gun in your head say move the Bitcoin to this W oh okay that oh I see what you're saying that's why they need your
(11:09) physical location that would suck yeah yeah damn yeah but it's it's most people are going to lose their Bitcoin by [ __ ] up securing it um yeah yeah that'd be kind of [ __ ] nuts but yeah so do you so what about like um cash app and venmo and stuff if you have Bitcoin in there is that like a good place for it yeah cash app's good um VMO yeah I would say any exchange that lets you actually take possession of the Bitcoin is good in my book we say possession like put on a hard drive yeah yeah how do you get it off of sorry I'm just
(11:43) Hammer you I've never every time I talk to people about this they're go I have no idea how it works either no so um does VMO let you take it off VMO and put it on a hard drive yeah oh that's cool yeah and so when you take it off of MMO and put it in a wallet that you control that can be on a hard drive or whatever you essentially create what's Ain to like a username or not a username password you create a private key which is basically a key that only you have gives you access to your Bitcoin then it's associated with addresses where you
(12:12) can send that Bitcoin to then you use that key to Move It from those addresses so you set up a public address associated with a private key outside of cash app and then you take one of those addresses put it in cash app and say put send the Bitcoin here and then it goes there and then you control it gotcha so but the whole point of it is just to buy it and hold it and just kind of let it go up and up up no I mean uh it's the best uh place to store your value to save your money but also there's I mean I spend Bitcoin we accept Bitcoin for
(12:45) add money here so nice people do use a transaction we have got contractors across the world instead of wiring the money it's just much easier for them to send me a Bitcoin address and have it settle in 10 minutes or instantly that's pretty cool yeah um no but the whole idea is like really we have it out here fix the money fix the world a lot of the world's problems I truly believe stem from the fact that we [ __ ] up the money you've had Aristotle Socrates the founding fathers it's in the Bible you get These Warnings throughout history
(13:15) don't [ __ ] up the money because it [ __ ] up Society yeah and we're at a point today in 2025 where we've roally [ __ ] up the money globally Beyond yeah dude so especially when they're like you know we're in national debt is what like 37 TR $ 37 trillion yeah how does I don't understand how that is like acceptable at all to be like well look we're going to we're still in control of everything it's like dude you're $ 37 trillion in debt in debt like it's never getting paid back it's literally impossible yeah but isn't that nobody
(13:47) ever gets in trouble for that it's like a massive like you know Bernie made off scam people blah blah blah goes to jail if the governing body owes who China like who do they even owe that money to China owns a lot of the treasure now the FED owns a lot of the treasury so it's sort of like inner dealing there um so America's in debt to China and also Federal Reser European countries yeah um that's I mean 37 trillion debt what is that debt treasury bonds when you issue a treasury bond and say this is uh this is a debt instrument we're
(14:21) going to basically offer it to the market you give us cash up front and then we'll give you the bond and it has a interest rate associated we'll to pay back that rate depending on where the Bond's trading um but we've it so much it's mathematically impossible to ever pay back and I mean that's the problem what's the move that's why bin that's why FOC that's why I'm Focus like so the move is at that level they've really got two options which is they can hold their hand up and say look at this this is $37 trillion in debt if we're
(14:55) being honest with each other we're not going to be able to pay this back so we just got got to have a debt Jubilee and reset and sorry Bond holders we not going to be able to pay you back that's politically untenable yeah um particularly because the banking system it's politically untenable because China Japan everybody like what the [ __ ] you said you're going to pay us back yeah the other problem is that the banking system a lot of what they hold in reserves are treasuries and so if you're the government was to say oh we're not
(15:23) paying any of this back the banking system will collapse overnight so that's the one option untenable not going to happen the other option is you just print the money to pay the debt back but the consequence of that is inflation and the debasement of the currency yeah then it wouldn't even matter and then the third option is you have this other monetary system that you cannot manipulate that people just slowly adopt and transition over to which is Bitcoin damn that's a pretty that's a pretty feasible case yeah it's happening yeah
(15:51) yeah I think so too man I I do think it it does make sense you know and it's like we don't carry around giant bronze coin like satchels of coins it does seem like it's kind of like an out ofd out ofd model especially if it's like France France has everyone has their own weird money but people get bugged out cuz always like you're trying to set up the One World Government it's like I think it's coming I I really do like I think not like we'll have countries and stuff but there will be maybe like a centralized super government or you know
(16:18) what do you think about that you think it will actually be totally decentralized or it'll be yeah I think we go back to like a completely a more decentralized distributor World um I think Bitcoin will play a part in that and I think we're already beginning to see it it's hard to perceive it as it's happening but again we're talking about Co before we hit record like uh just here in the United States if you look at the um sort of competition between states who were acting autonom autonomously Texas part of the reason I'm here Florida Wyoming
(16:51) many other states saying hey we're open for business down here like we're going to do our own thing I know the federal government wants to shut down we're not going to do that that that is a signal that um here in the United States at least States asserting their autonomy is a push towards that that uh direction towards more distributed sort of uh politic if you will and I think just naturally what we're seeing today with all this debt with all the centralized I think it's collapsing in itself you can't centrally plan anything and
(17:24) history has shown if you try to ultimately it will collapse into itself and I think we're beginning to see that process play out on a global scale as well like the we they were Davos last week and everybody's calling [ __ ] on what they've been trying to do yeah well I wonder though because then if so if they okay so there's $37 trillion of debt they're like all right we can kind of slowly phase out money and go over to bitcoin doesn't that shoe drop somehow at some point eventually though where it's like yeah [ __ ] these [ __ ] bonds
(17:53) D we're done with this [ __ ] yeah and that's something they're acutely aware of and are trying trying to I think I imagine they're trying to navigate delicately because that is um and it's happen throughout history this idea of a speculative attack where in uh when you notice that a currency particularly is is weak and on the verge of potential failure you can see a path over a decade or two that it's going to fail you take out a bunch of debt in that currency and then buy um a harder money like gold or or Bitcoin or
(18:27) something like that and that's starting to play out um I got you you take a giant loan you're like [ __ ] this money's not going to be basically real yeah it's actually it's funny Sam Hyde uh he's got a famous two-minute clip from like 10 years ago where he explained that like when he first got into Bitcoin that's what he did he did it on an individual level he ran up like 20 grand in credit card debt bought Bitcoin and it was just like and then the collections called and he was like I'll pay you $1 a month and
(18:54) they were like all right we'll take it and and the Bitcoin went up that's so kind of funny Bitcoin went up this was like 10 years ago so he's said pretty no yeah he's probably doing pretty well but that I think that that's at the individual level like eventually that'll happen at um at a at a bigger level state level country level whatever yeah Trump's pretty Pro Bitcoin that's what I keep hearing he's kind of pro Bitcoin yeah it's uh it's a weird time in the world right now like cuz the other thing too is um
(19:24) US dollar is reserve currency of the world MH and we've weaponized it um pretty aggressively last two decades first like the 08 bailouts basically said we're going to print all this money save save the banks and that [ __ ] over a lot of people um and then Russia Ukraine specifically when we froze Russia's treasury assets that was like a big shot across the bow to Russia China Iran India all those countries the Middle East that um you may think you actually own own these assets but we can literally hit a button
(19:59) and stop you from from accessing them that makes oh so they're buying into bonds basically to like invest as a country yeah like using it as a balance sheet asset yeah oh day and then we hit a button we're like actually that 300 billion of us treasuries you actually can't can't access that's the other be beauty of Bitcoin is since it's a decentralized system nobody can stop you from using your money if you secure properly do do you think they'll so say like okay so Bitcoin takes over it starts becoming like a main currency do
(20:30) you think somebody would be like I'm going to start a new like a you know 2.0 like Bitcoin and then you have these competing it's already happened centralized I mean they they obviously have like ethereum and stuff but it's like how does I guess it just works the same way they get ones get picked up other ones just kind of Fall by the wayside yeah and I don't think people are going to try they have tried for 13 years now I think was when the first Bitcoin competitor launched in the cryptocurrency space and there what
(20:57) you'll find is like Bitcoin has almost an Immaculate Conception where I don't think it could be replicated where if anybody were to launch a Bitcoin killer in the future uh it's [ __ ] from the get-go because somebody's got to launch it all eyes are on the space and so it doesn't have this like emergent natural adoption that Bitcoin had yeah that kind of makes in the early days when nobody knew what it was or didn't care about it um and it's the launching of a Bitcoin killer would be corrupted from the Inception in my opinion because
(21:30) um you can't replicate the sort of natural emergent properties of bitcoin's early days yeah that makes sense you'd have too many kind of big players like manipulating and sup freaks this isn't that you don't want to skip because fold has a great offer for you everyone knows about fold the app where you can earn the most Bitcoin rewards for everyday purchases I did this yesterday me and my wife we use Amazon to buy quite a few things uh and instead of just putting our credit card into Amazon and buying there I put my credit card into fold
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(23:35) then the other thing is like bitcoin's uh got a tie to the physical world in terms of the amount of energy that's used to mine it and right now it's I believe 15 to 20 gws of energy is dedicated to mining Bitcoin and securing the network and that's a very secure empowerful network and to think that somebody could launch something and compete with that not only out of the gate but over the course of decades is uh somewhat infusible and yeah that's what m i I never understood that either so mining Bitcoin is when you dedicate
(24:07) computer power to securing the network yeah securing and facilitating transactions oh okay so you just you set up a computer that's just kind of like yeah you set up a a computer it basically has the rules of Bitcoin um and what miners do specifically is they're all in a race to produce uh a a very special number like at any given point in time the network has what's called a target a difficulty Target and if you find a number below that difficulty Target a hash below that difficulty Target you prove that you
(24:42) spent energy because it's computationally hard and it's probabilistic and so it it takes work to find that small hash and so the computer that finds that hash presents it to the network says hey I have a hash below the difficulty Target the rest of the Mind ago yep that's below the difficulty difficulty Target you can add a block of transactions to The Ledger um and as long as those transactions are valid as determined by the rules of the distributed consensus this is why people have no [ __ ] CL so what's a what's a
(25:15) hash you're just like looking for is that like a mistake no it's a cryptographic hash it's like a it's called a hashing function is literally a formula function okay F of whatever so computers just doing math like non-stop like in Randomness into that function and then hoping that the randomness combined with the function creates a hash below the difficulty Target what's a difficulty Target it's see now we're getting into the weeds this is where I get in trouble trying to explain Bitcoin to people because I too into the weeds
(25:44) but I get it so you're just like feeding a bunch of random math problems into difficulty Target so part of the beauty what Satoshi designed there's many digital currencies tried before Bitcoin that's another thing people don't realize um but one of the breakthroughs with Bitcoin um with this energy used to produce these hashes one of the problems was it became very easy to find the hashes and so you would essentially produce blocks every minute what toosi was called a difficulty adjustment which you basically see how much how quickly
(26:17) blocks are coming in uh there's a 10-minute Target that the network sets and if blocks are coming in two fast let's say they're cominging at 8 minutes network is essentially like all right we're 2 minutes away from the 10 a Target so there's too much computing power on the network we made we need to make it harder to find the hash so we're going to lower the target to a lower number and that happens every two weeks so the network every two weeks is like how much Computing Powers come on or off the network if blocks come in at 12
(26:44) minutes instead of 8 minutes it's 2 minutes above the Target and it's like all right there's not enough computing power on the network so we need to make a little easier to mine got you that makes sense we're going to raise the target so there's a predetermined some sort of mathematical obviously really complicated function that is increasing its difficulty and shrinking its difficulty depending on how much how fast blocks are coming in funny if it was just like the math Castle remember the math Castle from grade school it was
(27:09) a computer game where you just like we're in a castle and the only way to get out was like solve like actually I remember playing eight you get like 64 yeah so it's just a super complex well that's actually it's not that complex it's pretty simple the math problem the math yeah I mean let's solve it dude and get rich well you you could literally if you wanted to it you forever but with the hashing function you can people have done it by hand what it's just the computer will do it much faster so by the time you did it by hand
(27:36) to present it like you could literally if you wanted to do the hashing function by hand yeah and if you somehow it's infantism uh small chance did produce a hash below the target you could potentially manually like present it to the network oh wow yeah but it's infeasible yeah you went to it so what what what do people worry about like quantum computers like people worry about it but um uh the developers working on bitcoin have Solutions if quantum were to become a thing and then Quantum for some reason whatever it pops up in the new cycle
(28:08) first thing people point at is Bitcoin but if quantum comes like Bitcoin is the last thing we need to worry about they're going to attack the banking infrastructure like https like the internet literally runs on the algorithm that would be cracked by Quantum so if quantum comes we have much bigger problems but even if it does come like Bitcoin Developers have basically game planned what we would do if quantum came you can create Quantum resistant um sort of kind of makes sense yeah damn it's so [ __ ] crazy dude we're all going to be too
(28:40) dumb for everything pretty soon I don't think so I don't think so I know I'm just [ __ ] around but I mean dude it is like if you have to have like be having like Quantum battles on computers dude that's I don't even know what the [ __ ] quantum mechanics is I know it deals with super small things it's basically the way I understand I'm not a Quantum physicist or phys exist at all but it's just yeah you have a state can exist at two points at the same time yeah um and if that's true like you can send data uh pretty yeah remember that
(29:09) that's uh what the [ __ ] it called relativity or no I don't know what it's called oh entanglement but yeah it's like qu I know Quantum is for like measure the measurement of teeny the tiniest [ __ ] possible yeah somehow they can harness the tiniest [ __ ] possible tiny math and then they can make supercomputers that's like literally yeah it's like I'm was like all right sounds cool let me know when you guys do Holograms I'm down for that I'll be cool I'm I don't want to say schle quum I think we're very far like the whole
(29:38) Google Willow thing that was popping up like a month or two ago M if you actually look at it what they did was like they had a quantum computer running for like a microsecond and sick if you were awesome if you needed something to break Bitcoin like it need to run for like days and not only that you have to be able to do a computation on top of it which they haven't figured out what did they do with the computer for one they just watched porn really quick like they they didn't even get to the point where they
(30:04) can they literally just got to the point where it's like all right like the the energy can produce like something for a Quantum state for a few micros seconds and so they they're saying they were able to do that like entanglement thing for I don't know about entanglement now we're getting like that's what I'm saying like someone someone has to shake these nerds up a little bit what you [ __ ] are you guys doing in here man you're talking you did a computer for for a fraction of a second yeah it's like dude it's great billions of dollars
(30:33) it's great for fearmonger you can have Jam PA papaa go on and be like oh we need to yeah bitcoin's [ __ ] what do you think about the AI I hear people freak I never worry about AI everyone's always freaking out about I love the AI you love it yeah I use it a lot what what do you like chat gbt stuff or like do you use it uh I like Claude I use it we use it like we'll take so we'll take this conversation we'll get a transcript of it uh then we have we have like a Clips Channel where we dissect like different parts of the conversation into 10-minute
(31:04) Clips MH and we have uh like a 15-page prompt that we've been building to feed Claude that will then create the script and then I have an AI voice that reads the script and like adds context to parts of the conversation that we have and what in the clip itself yeah it's kind of tight yeah that and then um yeah other it's just going to be a lot of people fear Monger about AI but it's like similar to the Lites and the the red flaggers when the cars came like it's just going to make us more efficient and more productive yeah
(31:37) that's I was always wonder every was like it's going to take over and be his it's like I think people picture like an eye robot scenario where like like robots come and attack us like when they say like AI is going to take over it's like how what's what's it going to do yeah I and I always left left side of the bell curve it just like unplug the computer if ever gets to that point h one of us has to be brave and hit the motherboard dude I'm ready to hit the motherboard yeah no I think AI is I mean it's cool I mean there was I mean the uh
(32:07) the AI headlines the last like five days been pretty exciting it seems like what do they have China released an AI I heard China's got a pretty nasty AI it's a pretty sick AI that so [ __ ] up their AI smarter than our AI dude it's [ __ ] dude that but they like they did like they did something nobody expected they open sourced it which is like you compare it to like open a and anthropic the American AI companies all their shit's closed Source I know did they really to who like who do they open sources to the world or yeah you can go
(32:37) and look at the code and see how it runs and download it on your own computer and but then you can't have like Facebook or something in China no yeah China's very weird well that makes no that actually makes sense because they they can open source their Ai and then keep their internal dwellings kind of like closed off for like authoritarian purposes but it does make sense like let's just mine yeah well all day we can I've been in the Bitcoin mining industry for 7 years now and that being in that industry you're you just naturally find yourself
(33:06) counteracting with a lot of Chinese Chinese are [ __ ] ruthless capitalists like they get [ __ ] done I know I I I used to laugh about on the podcast I I download a street fighter on my phone and I would just get I used to play every night before bed and I would just get my ass handed to me by like and I would just see like the names I'm like bro these old Chinese kids are tearing my [ __ ] ass up every night it was like my one win I was trying to get for the day I would just get like double Flawless yeah I'm like dude I can't
(33:33) compete and it's funny the American propaganda is like it's this Communist dictatorship which it is like the CCP exists but just from working with Chinese like they [ __ ] all they care about is making money and getting [ __ ] done it's yeah dude they definitely they get yeah that's I'll be curious to see how that plays out too I I literally I don't know anything about anything but I am curious to see if we actually do somehow go to war do like do we have to geopolitically destabilize China in order to I don't think so exist that's
(34:00) um I I think we need to figure out the money thing that's like the big problem right now and that's the money is why we're in this position with China too is that like 1971 when we went off the gold standard when Nixon was like we're not tethering the dollar or the gold anymore that's sort of set in motion a series of events that led to the US flooding International markets with dollars because they need to create demand for the dollar to keep the reserve currency and the ramifications of that were you hauled out your manufacturing
(34:32) base and just moved to China flooded them with cheap with dollars for their cheap labor MH and that's part of the reason We've Ended up in this hyper um volatile situation particularly with China is they have a lot of Leverage now because they make all the [ __ ] that we use and that's part of the reason Maga has um is sort of coming into power now because Trump and everybody behind him are like this is a problem we need to fix andh um that's sort of what we're dealing with Now 50 years later after the Gold Standard
(35:02) because yeah I do wonder about that man if it's like if if you know I'm sure we do like we make stuff here but not not like the ratio of stuff we make vers Imports it's it's sliver yeah so it is weird like how does a country keep kind of rocking and rolling if it's not like if you like Bas break it down to the basic Goods is like what are you producing you need good money yeah and that's like that's the core of the issue is we [ __ ] up the money and it's created these damn it's created these negative externalities to force us to Bally
(35:34) hollow out our manufacturing base and send it overseas yeah I mean it does make sense if you know if you try to if you try to start a company that's just too big it it makes sense that it would just kind of at some point unravel because it's like dude it's just too much yeah yeah uh I'm I'm optimistic though I think uh I think things are going to I think to solve a problem you need to recognize a problem and I think more people recognize there's a [ __ ] big problem than ever before this rip was brought to you by our great friends at Unchained as
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(36:55) you have a good partner that is unchain go to unchain dcom tftc so how does it kind of tie into like where's like Wall Street Sit amongst all this so if W Wall Street if wall Street's doing great but meanwhile the country is tied to a giant just like black hole of a debt how does Wall Street kind of keep its place through like a transition if we were to go to bitcoin would it just switch to like a Bitcoin based Wall Street or is it like how to public companies and run you know what I mean yeah Wall Street uh they're not
(37:25) going to be too happy about it because a lot of of the money they've made is because of Fiat money you've been able to create this hyper financialized economy that's based on debt derivatives all that and um if something like Bitcoin were to take over uh that the ability to do that would be significantly uh restricted because you can't just print money and issue debt to to do all that stuff um but there is a place for for banks maybe not in their current form but you will need institutions to um basically lend
(38:01) money and to facilitate Financial contracts and stuff like that but yeah I think it would be severely rained in we'll go from this economy that's hyperf financialized and Hyper Tech focused so we're going to get back to like the physical world like building [ __ ] manufacturing um and obviously software and finance will still exist but I think they'll be shrunk back down to the size that they should be like Wall Street before the ad before the the basically um productization and uh the emergence of collateralized
(38:35) debt obligations and the tranching of all these debt products uh it was boring being a banker was not an exciting lucrative thing yeah that makes sense I think we're going to go back to something like that just something simple like I need a loan blah blah blah yeah yeah that's that so and then so Bitcoin is finite in the amount but it's infinite in terms of how much they can all be worth so that way it's like even if you only have you know if the price of the fixed thing is going up organically yeah your purchasing power
(39:04) of each unit goes up so you can buy more with less yeah like your yeah your money exactly it's kind of cool actually it's the way money is supposed to work yeah what that's the other we live in this anomalous time in human history where money's just becoming yeah where look at Co they printed $6 trillion dollar yeah that's my friend was telling me that my friend does finance and he's actually he's he's not like I wouldn't say he's anti- Bitcoin he just he's like I don't stand it doesn't generate cash flow he's
(39:30) like the companies the Big Blue Chip companies pay dividends throughout like the Great Depression so he's like they'll pretty much always pay you dividends you're buying in his and I you know I think it makes sense is like you're buying these like whatever they're called EMF type things whatever like like a um the [ __ ] the word for that thing ETF something like a collection of stocks a mutual FF yeah ETF that's what it is I'm thinking of electromagnetic fails but the the uh yeah he's like you buy these ETF things
(39:58) and it's like a little tiny house you're buying instead of paying you rent it's paying you like 40 cents per several hundred doar share No and there's I mean there's a play I think that um saying I don't get Bitcoin doesn't produce a dividend is just trying to equate Bitcoin to a stock or compare it to a stock where it's completely different there's room for both like um um I run a venture fund where we invest in Bitcoin companies and some of them pay us dividends on their profits like you're still going to have business formation
(40:26) and cash flows and um income statements and balance sheets and if you're invested in that company and they have a profit and you're going to get a dividend yeah it's set up the right way bitcoin's just completely it's a different type of asset gotcha no that makes sense so that that makes sense because otherwise if you have dollars they literally do I think it's like 3% it value is like 3% every year or something more than that yeah I mean that's the official like CPI number the Consumer Price Index which the
(40:54) government it's their inflation tracker and that's where it's right around like 3% now but real inflation's probably closer like 12 15% that's what sucks man if you keep your money in your bank you're like I'm doing the right thing I got my money in the bank and it's just getting devalued no you're [ __ ] you're you're forced to become a stock picker pick the right mutual fund pick the right ETF by the right house like that just to fight off inflation I didn't know that I was like dude if you work hard and save your money one day you'll
(41:20) have a bunch of it and it's like it's getting just gutted while it's sitting in a bank account so you have to kick it out somewhere else and pray to God that like that gets more otherwise it just kind of like disintegrates yeah exactly it's kind of shitty it kind of sucks man yeah you don't want to save your money and and um you don't want to save your money in a currency that they can just hit a button and print more of Cu yeah that's that's the whole idea of Bitcoin you save your money in a currency that nobody can hit a button print more of
(41:47) yeah and the government could could the government somehow aggress it and just do like a Hos style takeover and be like enough no I mean they could certainly um try to make make it hard for people to access and use Bitcoin but that's the extent to which I think they would be a to do it and even then true you just get like the war on drugs like they try to get people to stop smoking pot and like to that's the beauty of Bitcoin like you literally download a piece of software you have access to the network and so and that's what people
(42:15) are so because I like my friend works uh he he was like working in like the advertising company or advertising Department of a company and he'd always be like yeah like my bosses are just like forcing me to read about like the blockchain they're stoked on the blockchain they like meetings about it like how's this going to affect our company and that is is there any sort of like non-monetary applications of blockchain or is it just relate to money uh I don't people say blockchain I'm like yeah no I don't really know what it is many people think
(42:44) there are and they're trying to make it happen but it's like it's like trying to make fetch happen like it's not um what's fetch is that mean girls thing is that what it is make fetch a thing whatever Mean Girls yeah I don't know it's like stop trying to make it happen like I I think it's only for money I know what you're saying yeah yeah yeah CU like to run a block what is a blockchain is this distributed Ledger tracking it and what incentivizes people to actually spin up Hardware to buy electricity and to facilitate the
(43:13) blockchain it's the token the monetary reward that you get for doing that when it comes to storing um like using the blockchain to store votes or medical records like the incentive like the reward that makes sense doesn't exist so you're essentially everything that people will say oh we need a blockchain for this you're much better serve with just a regular database yeah that that makes sense I've never ever had it that makes perfect sense I've never had anyone explain to me what the [ __ ] blockchain was yeah so just an
(43:42) incentivize for someone to do a certain thing to keep the network going and you get the little coin as a reward the bit coin as a reward pretty simple actually yeah it's not complex it's pretty simple yeah it is it is uh that is part of bitcoin's beauty too it's very simple system um and people will rag on it because it's so simple they're like oh we need to do all the smart contracts all the blockchaining stuff and it's like no you just need to not [ __ ] up the money and make sure that the the system set up in a way where it's very hard to
(44:14) [ __ ] up the money that's what Bitcoin does yeah then yeah I because I it's like I guess you have to just go and then under that just figure out how to provide value and like any other economy just get that's what we get back to and like that's like look at all the trends since we went off the gold it's a great site WTF happened in 1971 you look at all the charts of productivity skyrocketing income is flat like yeah fertility rates crashing um families with dual income skyrocketing it's like everybody's being forced to run on this
(44:46) hamster wheel to keep up with inflation because we [ __ ] up the money and it has very pre negative externalities on all of society yeah it's uh OBC rates up um depression rates up alcoholism deaths of Despair yeah it's because people are on the hamster wheel because they [ __ ] up the money yeah true I didn't think about that's kind of [ __ ] up actually yeah we're getting heavy here I'm sorry no no no dude that's yeah then you throw like the the internet has been like a so you know the internet's added like a
(45:16) weird commodification of just like reality itself which is like that [ __ ] I bug out on that all the time yeah yeah just like social media like you then turn your life into like a weird product and like kind of like how can I attach BRS to myself and get eyeballs on me it's it freaks me that's like you know it's what I do for a living but it like yeah same it freaks me the [ __ ] out dude I'm like this is and then like how how does that alter people's behavior too knowing like well if I do this thing and then this my like you know my likeness
(45:45) is recorded and be and like acting a certain way what's like the incentive and like everything there's like a huge incentive to be kind of inflammatory and all this stuff and it's like real it's a real incentive yeah then that starts to like get down into people's like they're not even being recorded then they start like acting the way it's like anyone will do that if if you know there's a reward just like the Bitcoin thing there's a reward for doing a certain type of behavior that behavior is going to be just like emulated in Mass yeah we
(46:11) I mean we had the hard decision to uh capitulate on YouTube and make the cheesy thumbnails cuz you yeah you have to you have to there's there's software where you can sure you've heard of this where you can kind of test yeah you can test five different thumbnails swap them with like an AI it's like yeah dude they got to be bright and High catching and you know blah blah blah well the incentive there is um where it's YouTube x uh Facebook like you are the product like they're big advertising platforms essentially at the end of the day and
(46:39) the data you feed it uh creates attention that you can then serve ads under um and yeah that attention economy creates these where like you go on you or X and the algo is feeding you a bunch of [ __ ] it's turning into like a Tik Tock like thing bro X is crazy I was I was holding out every was like it's and I'm like it's the same [ __ ] it always was and I'm on X I'm like this is [ __ ] up it's crazy you I had like I had to actively like say I don't want to see this anymore to murder videos please do not show me I I
(47:10) thank God didn't get the murder videos I don't know what happened I just I get more like uh like race baiting kind of I'll get like hardcore kind of like punch out game stuff I get a lot of that yeah I'll get a good amount of that and then I get a lot of just like you know politicians owning other politician it's just like that with like yeah yeah just guys being like here's the [ __ ] deal with this thread yeah you read it you're like oh I I have no idea what the [ __ ] this guy's talking about and there's uh
(47:39) there's products coming to Market where integrating Bitcoin to sort of fix this incen a problem um I'm not sure if you've heard of podcasting 2.0 or I have actually I think it's pretty cool that's uh Adam curry curry yeah yeah the podfather himself I know so how does that work again I've heard of that before so when we send this out particularly the podcast speeds goes out via RSS M uh which is an open content distribution protocol and RSS is very simple it's just HTML with info about the episode the file and in the HTML
(48:09) what pod what Adam did he basically inserted this block where you can put a Bitcoin address in so when I send it this episode out to RSS and all other episodes I have a Bitcoin address in my RSS feed and you're beginning to see Spotify like apps pop up that have Bitcoin wallet's in them and if people go and top that Bitcoin wallet up and then listen to the podcast they can stream Bitcoin straight to my wallet um like a little tip basically being a little tip yeah and then you can you can stream like uh 100 SATs there's 100
(48:41) million SATs in a Bitcoin so you can send like a a half a penny a minute that you want to listen and I mean the theory isn't aggregate if people adopt this widely like you can change from a advertising monetization model to value for value is what Adam calls it listeners can stream you a little bit of bit yeah that makes sense it's kind of it's like you know especially like patreon kind of works that way you find out recently you find out eventually like it's not about like you like there's this whole idea of like scarcity
(49:08) and being like if you do this I'll do this if it's just like hey you know appreciate it people will kind of give you money because they kind of they're like they just like what you're doing yeah you don't need to be like if you do this I will show you you know it's like a you don't have to like not like manipulate but you don't have to you don't have to do all that [ __ ] you used to do like and act now like create like some sort of weird feeling in them like pay me no and I've seen it with this show too it like creates um a good
(49:32) incentive for high value content because what we'll find like if we have a banger of an episode I'm sure people love this episode they'll send us more Bitcoin and that's like a signal like hey produce more of this content and I'll send you more Bitcoin and if it's like a good yeah that's pretty cool valuable convers like that's what Adam calls it is value for Value if the listener perceives a getting value they will um reciprocate that in monetary form of value Bitcoin um yeah I'm telling you it's one of those weird Tru things is they like
(50:00) people like you know they take your content they rip it we get it happen to us all the time we used to be like what the [ __ ] and now it's like you just it doesn't matter there's like completely worthless trying to fight it because it really is the thing that is driving it is people being like I like this and I I would just like to yeah show them appreciation yeah that's one way the there's like other average like now you're seeing too there's like social networks with Bitcoin wallets attached to them and advertisers starting like erses the
(50:30) advertising model where an ad sucks your attention and your time and you get no value out out of it where now with these apps like an Advertiser can literally send you Bitcoin with an ad attached to it and saying like all right I'm sending you a little bit of Bitcoin to get this ad in front of you instead of just like having the ad and getting no value you're actually getting a little bit of value I'm like H maybe I'll read the ad now because you sent me some oh that makes sense yeah yeah I was like trying to figure out I was like
(50:58) wait what they're still pay okay so you send it the person like hey if you watch this I'll give you so advertisers can pay for your attention um that's a cool idea it's a more fair trade who knows how it work out and these things will actually find product Market fit and but you can see the beginnings of like experimenting with these new incentive models and Bitcoin and it's a cool idea because they they they they need to figure something out with the ads too like for podcast because it's like dude I I like try to tell them I'm like dude
(51:23) if you were to condense it into like a 5c like real quick hey this is what it is Boom people like oh cool rather than like a [ __ ] like the minute long is just like are you guys selling dick pills yet I mean we we've sold we've sold some dick pills for sure that was uh I worked at bar stool doing a podcast ad sales back in the day that was like Roman and hers started and him became big and I was like ah you're just pushing dick pills in everybody yeah that's that's all there it's like it really is like I mean there's some companies with like
(51:54) vitamin this you know this and that but yeah a lot of it is dick pills gambling yeah gambling is Big right now [ __ ] it's it's like completely baked into sports now it's not even it used to be a thing like you know like your uncles would be like quiet with a notepad like plus set now it's just like on TV it's like bet here no like what before the Eagles game on Sunday like the fox broadcast team had to give their prop bets before the game yeah man it's well it's it's also like kind of depressing because you know at least it is to me
(52:21) cuz it's like cuz you you should think like why right well you know everyone's doing it anyway like why hide it and it's like for sure like I I totally agree with that and then it's like well are human beings like genuinely powerless against the in like you know whatever neur whatever happens neurologically when people are gambling it's like people get I don't really I don't really get a huge kind of kick from gambling I mean I've done it before and it is fun I get why people get like so excited but I don't have that like there's not like a hook
(52:46) for gambling with me if I lose I'm like I'm [ __ ] I hate this but it's like is there a huge swath of the population that is effectively powerless against against the whatever state is achieved from gambling in a way that is ultimately like detrimental on society as a whole and it's like I think so like I mean I think it's pretty clear I think it's pretty clear but it's like you know but if for me that's kind of one of those weird things is there's people like Robert sapowsky who's that guy from I think Stanford who's a neur uh
(53:18) neurologist who he kind of argues that there's no free will in general and that we're all pretty much right and i i i t i kind of I don't like that view you know just for no other reason than I just find it like not like offensive and like shocking you have agency yeah but I'm kind of like I'm just like I don't know and then it opens up a weird can of worms where it's like you know so if you have like a rapist or a pedophile he was like you just treat them like a faulty machine it's like like smashing them up
(53:42) into junkyard you mean or like do you mean like what do you mean by that and like how does that actually you know like what do you what do you we we destroy faulty machines no it's like good and evil exist and gambling like people are susceptible to hedonistic to generous and you have to like fight it act I do believe you have the free will I mean plenty of examples of Alcoholics that have gotten clean gotten clean it is true people do it people do do it but it's like with you know with alcohol the weird thing is is like you're out you're
(54:10) crashing your car with gambling is like you know you're like I'm a little I'm a little tight right now and you're like I'm G to get them back there's not like you know until you like blow the the college savings the big one until you blow the college savings you know you're just like what the [ __ ] did you do and you're like yeah all the Chiefs are going to do it the Chiefs are going they have all the money right now they're spending all the ad dollars like uh yeah I think about Philly like Infinity live and all the
(54:36) casinos that are by the stadiums now like I don't know if I like this yeah man I mean it it's became they mainstreamed it and it was just like and again I was always a big legalized everything guy and I I still kind of am it's like it's on you dude if someone comes up with a trap that can snare you like that like not not like you know like sucks for you but it's like like we all we do still exist in nature man and it's like there there are predatory aspects you know of just reality in general so it's like it is incumbent
(55:06) upon every individual to protect themselves from being prayed upon but some people just can't no and it's completely predict again this is part of the hamster wheel like people are getting so desperate that like you finance they call it the the risk curve like the F like the more desperate you get the further out in the rist curve you go and I think that's with the the product of legalized gambling and the normalization of it is people like [ __ ] it like I'm just going to put it on this this parlay Propet and try to make it
(55:38) all back that is funny there is a risk curve there there every one of us has at some point it's like a one of those like paros distribution like you know like when they take like behavior and mathematical function at some point all of us will under some circumstances like blow a guy in a truck stop it's like at what point do you get there that'd be a cool Butterfly Effect where a guy is just about to blow dude in the truck stop but gets the butterfly effect that's to like go through his life to like stop himself I think that was
(56:07) actually like a part of that movie yeah I think there was like a was there really there was a timeline where he became like a degenerate really dick sucking drug addict I didn't know that I I there were so many movies I saw when I I just like smoked so much weed from the time just like I'm I'm not bragging or whatever it was just high school it's all I did I just smoked weed constantly so I saw so many movies that are like really welln couldn't tell you what happens I'm pretty sure that was one of like the I don't remember I believe you
(56:34) I there's so many movies they're like you saw that and I was like maybe I think it was the girl who's the girl what yeah yeah she did the girl becomes yeah the oh okay and then he has to kind of like go back in into like dream world and like [ __ ] yeah got to stop myself I forgot about that movie it's a movie is kind of sick the movie was awesome it just seems like an impossible I don't remember how it ended I don't remember it result in I remember the top spinning and being like [ __ ] Leo's still trapped
(57:00) in dream world a dude but yeah I mean to yeah that's it is a tricky thing I again I don't you know I'm not saying I'm like qualified to talk about like Global Solutions but it is weird like how do you organize Society in a way that's like maximally beneficial that's like the question is like is like you know should you adapt Society for the man or does man have to adapt himself for society and how do you kind of you know how how do you organize it in a way that is good while also not being like babysitting every like there's like
(57:33) the utopian dream of like you know like we'll just have you know bread and honey for everybody versus like no we we exist in nature and like there's you kind of do on some level have to fend for yourself while also the whole point of society is to kind of buffer us from like the literally horrible terrifying you know fact that is nature where it is like utterly predatory and like you know what I mean yeah no and then that's I think actually I don't think it's that complex as people make it out again going back to this idea I think we get
(58:03) into these massive problems because you have sociopathic leaders who come to power and centralize power and say I know the solution I'm going to do these things we're going to fix the world just makes things worse yeah I think I'm a Believer like free market economics and like I think individuals making decisions with data and information that is very close to their lived experience would produce a better Society overall instead of having Central planners in DC try to make decisions for everybody not only in the 50 States but the whole
(58:35) world um yeah that makes sense and when they're also obviously beholden to lobbyist people being like dude I need you to do this for me yeah which is like okay that makes sense I get it but it's like yeah I understand how that would eventually not work out for the rest of every pretty much everybody else it would just kick off a domino effect where they like actually what are you a ter stop [ __ ] complaining St playing well I mean you said uh I don't know if I'm equipped to I've always found Comedians and and
(59:07) don't I don't want to paint a wide brush on all comedians but I think part of the art for him and what makes me a huge fan of Comedy is that you guys are able to really get to the core of shared um sort of problems or lived experiences and articulate it and sort of point out like we all have similar experiences so at least identifying problems or things that are worth talking about that maybe people don't vocalize is that no that makes sense I mean it is a it is weird to be like all right I have to somehow elicit like a
(59:43) semi unconscious spasm out of people yeah it's [ __ ] weird man to be like I have this this thing triggered some weird feeling in myself and I'm betting that if I say this in a room full of people it it'll like you know invoke some some weird subconscious spasm that everyone will be like that's good you're like [ __ ] I try not to think about it actually at all cuz it freaks me out it is powerful though it's nuts dude it's [ __ ] crazy I think particularly postco like the comedy world has played a very important part and helping people
(1:00:14) grapple with all the [ __ ] going on in the world and develop the confidence to yeah maybe something is wrong here like I have that feeling too yeah there I mean there is something to that man where it's like that that was like Sigman Freud's big thing that laugh is like the release of psychic tension so it's like you know if you take all these big scary things and you can kind of package them and aim them at that part of your brain that like shuts down and just kind of like produces like a weird good feeling all you can like talk about
(1:00:40) anything people will laugh and it's like you take like the most [ __ ] up stuff but you can like hit you can Target somehow a part of people's brain that just bypasses the amydala and they're like [ __ ] pedophiles are [ __ ] weird yeah it's kind of nuts it is weird it is kind of crazy did you ever uh uh stubble upon that what was it the uh mind of ideas YouTube page they had this like they had these YouTube uh videos they were putting out like 20 minutes the one was on MTH psychosis Academy of ideas Academy of ideas yeah I love I'm
(1:01:11) on their page I I uh do their patreon I love those guys yeah the they're incredible Mass they had like the two or three part Mass psychosis where they basically explained like what was happening with the lockdowns and why everybody was being compliant and then part two was the solution which was you literally make fun of these people and embarrass them and let everybody else know it's cool to make fun of these people because it erodes their power at the end of the day no that's pretty cool I I remember I've seen a lot of their
(1:01:38) videos and it was funny because I did kind of get it was like you know that guy if you watch the videos is very very like calm kind of like you know it's just like kind of scholarly tone and his video you can tell like guy like got pissed because his videos became like slightly he had like a bit of edge to his voice like all right what the [ __ ] are we doing everybody trying to make my cool YouTube channel the [ __ ] world's going crazy it was kind of that was kind of funny to watch yeah but his his solution
(1:02:02) to having the amigdala shut down and just um sort of throw yourselves at the whims of the authoritarians was like no we need to start making fun of these people yeah well I mean dude and it was like it is weird because I don't know maybe some people like this but like they it did it does seem to me that like they obviously did co-opt a lot of the comedy stuff like the authoritarian like what we could argue as like the more authoritarian class so like like every late night show is kind of like it's like dude bear dancing with vaccines and
(1:02:36) stuff they all they all it's like dude if you want to make fun of trump knock yourself out I'm not going to be like you can't do that but it was like they all did it under the exact same kind of like it's more like they were just like this place of like moral disgust at like anyone and it was just so like it was just bizarre that like they all did the same they all had the same take and it's like how you know what I mean there's no way unless there's just like the natural pressure of being like I can kind of
(1:03:03) perceive that if I step out of line it's say you're that or operation Mocking Bird yeah true true but it is bugged out it's just kind of like dude you guys all think the exact same thing like you guys don't have anything else to say about anybody it was just kind of like I don't know no there's even one point where and it's not funny like it sucked dude nobody watches it I remember my 16th birthday we were a big fan of growing up this is before um Jay Leno sort of cucked him yeah my 16th birthday we went up from
(1:03:32) Philly to New York to C and O'Brien he maybe was everyone loved him we all watched him naive high schooler but he was hilarious he was edgy and it's completely changed since then yeah what what does he even was he's has a podcast now right yeah Coco or something like that yeah dude I I you know know I don't know I think if you want to kind of like there's only so many networks and if you kind of want to do your thing it's going to be like yeah bro the networks are dying pull that [ __ ] down like I was uh prepping for this I watched your um the
(1:04:03) episode they did with theovon a couple months ago that had like 1.2 million views like that's that does more numbers than any singular episode of colar oh dude well they just I swear to I think they do it just to pump out Clips because it's like nobody's watch like I can't even imagine a world where I'm like staying up in bed with my wife like hold on hold on the co Bear's about to come on let's catch this before we fall asleep like nobody does that no you're competing with your phone it's like dude yeah right man and then
(1:04:30) they're interviewing people making shitty movies that nobody wants to see anymore it's like yeah wow yeah it feel if who knows if it just like the natural degradation of the form and just like the internet's just completely torpedoing all of it but your phones is well you can't compete with that man it's like I can if if anything good happens on TV it's going to come up on my phone and I have at the same exact remember like flipping through channels and like yeah 61 32 maybe take it up to 95 for a second come back down spice
(1:05:03) spice is 95 you had like Comcast in your house your neighbors had Direct or your buddy had Direct TV over you're like [ __ ] I don't know what channel anything is yeah you just exactly but you were like balance between like all right I know like Storage Wars is on this I'm going to jump back to this thing I was kind of watching now you can just be like boom boom Oh that was kind of funny or oh wow I stumbled across a 20-minute video I'm going to watch this whole thing like it just the like the like the rush you get from your phone TV can't
(1:05:31) compete with that dude it's like not even it's not even close dude I feel crazy if I'm at a hotel and I'm like that's what I was just about to say yeah like you're like trying to navigate that menu I'm like bro I'm going to kill myself too this is so Bor it's like do you ever read infinite chest no they talk about sorry I I don't want to drop it like such a snob give RJ but central theme of that is it's called it's like an entertainment cartridge where that that was David Foster Wallace's big thing he was like dude entertainment's
(1:05:56) the technology technology is growing in every other sector it's going to grow in Tech it's going to grow in entertainment to the point and this is in the 90s he wrote this it's going to become so addictive that we're going to be kind of powerless against it and then dude like you know that he was like he was combating like USA like Rambo like one two and three he was like this is too I can't get anything done this is so enticing is an uncle Ted accolate what an uncle Ted kazinski accolate no no no I don't know maybe he
(1:06:24) I mean that was Ted's whole thing was like yeah he could have vied with Ted as well but he was like bro we're not going to be able to it's going to surpass our ability to contend with you know like our our you know whatever if you want to if you want to reduce like your willpower down to like you know available magnesium and electricity and water he's like they're we're not going to be able to compete with this and it's going to suck us all into it and then he killed himself in like the 990s I think and then you know lo and behold now we
(1:06:49) have the internet and it's like I think he nailed that one yeah your phone's so addicting it and purposely so and it's [ __ ] up that's the um especially with young kids now trying to figure out how to make sure they don't grow up like with craned necks because they're looking down yeah I think we're doing an okay job so far but I mean at some point it's just going to be like dude well the schools like I'm T I was like touring schools for my my older my oldest kid and it's like there's just TVs in the class like a giant not a chalkboard a
(1:07:20) huge [ __ ] screen it is a TV I'm like why do you guys have that and they're like well it's like our projector I'm like that's not a [ __ ] projectors were shitty handwriting on a like dimly lit thing that's a screen with like you know like the settings they do in Best Buy whereas like the brightest colors imaginable yeah you get the blue light it's like why do you need that like take that [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of the classroom yeah and they're like well this is just what we use and it's like Jesus Christ that's one thing I wonder it's going to
(1:07:47) change too like we're still running on like purely communist Austrian style of schooling in particularly in public schools but I don't know going back to like AI like I'm pretty motivated to create like an at home not saying that we're going to homeschool our kids but like AI is getting to the point where you can create like a curriculum like in college I skipped classes and just taught myself everything on Cotton Academy I don't think classes are like physical classes um are as necessary as they may have been one
(1:08:19) could argue they weren't even necessar I [ __ ] hated school growing up I [ __ ] hated it dude I hate I still hate it I like I go to school I was talking to my cin about this and he'll his daughter will be like I love my teacher and he'll be like [ __ ] I hatte I [ __ ] hated my teachers but I mean you I think you do need the socialization is good getting kids together letting them socialize is good but yeah I'm on the same page man I think school should be like just cut all the stupid [ __ ] of like memorizing like it's like learn
(1:08:47) stuff identify like all right where what does this kid seem inclin towards from a young age and kind of plug and play with the interest give them like the obviously the basics of like math like get them reading math all that stuff and dude it should be like you should go to school it should be like in my opinion the first hour and a half should be like intense physical activity yeah like I I the idea that like we're going to wake you up prematurely and then sit you in a chair and just just spout [ __ ] [ __ ] at you it's it's literally it
(1:09:15) infuriates me to think about it should be you get there all right you got to get up a little early whatever but then it's like wild physical like intense physical activity and then it's like all right let's cool down blah blah blah and now we're going to like try to like identify interest and do like I I think a lot of schools do this now though it's like Project based learning where it's like we're all going to get down on a project we're going to study Penguins yeah and it's like how many penguins are there in that picture that with like
(1:09:38) kindergarten and stuff now we're do we're like sneakily kind of doing math now you see why you have to do that and then we can learn about like well this is where these guys learn you know this is how cold it is there and like I love that but like the block style math so it's it's pisses me off dude I [ __ ] hate it so bad I found out a somewhat degenerate way to begin teaching my son math ever played the game shut the box oh you're talking about the dice game yeah yeah I have so [ __ ] fun that's how he's learning math and Counting and that's
(1:10:07) awesome yeah that's dude it's like I mean it kind of ties in but that's what I've been doing with writing recently where it's like I've one of the things I you know I always write I try to I'm trying to write another book right now and all this stuff but like just getting yourself to sit down and do it every day and this might maybe this is like kind of bad but what I've recently doing is I never I've never done like nicotine I never did like the pouches you know I've smoked cigarettes here and there but like I never was like whatever so I
(1:10:35) started doing the nicotine EV losses that I only do when I write so I've essentially addicted myself to writing via nicotine it's been kind of working lately that's uh I mean I've been woefully addicted to nicotine since I was 15 as you can see here but uh I keep telling everyone like I don't think it's addicting and day by day I'm like I think the world's got a point on this side nicotine's good for you I I think so too man it's like they literally can't write caution this may cause cancer because it doesn't it doesn't
(1:11:03) exactly say it's addictive which it is um but it's like a it's like a what do they call it um neut Tropic like it get your neoplasma or whatever they're called yeah the only thing I've heard is that if you are very addicted to it it'll wake you up in the middle of the night cuz it's like solution to that [ __ ] rub magnesium cream on your feet sleep what 8 hours a night really yeah I take the magnesium pills I got this cream that I put on the bottom of my feet [ __ ] knocks me out what yeah dude that sounds awesome actually it is
(1:11:37) it is but going back writing like so that's how I got into this I started writing I wrote a daily newsletter about Bitcoin every day for six years it's hard like I have not written as much as I used to it's the output but writing is incredible um I love writing just because it helps me get like it helps me better understand what my thoughts actually are when you actually have to sit down and articulate it it's a sad moment when you find like that first when you first put like this is a this is the best idea and you lay it down on
(1:12:05) paper and look at it you're like I'm [ __ ] idiot man the DB but it is that's the thing with writing I really like it's like once I got over like the fear like I guess yeah it was like a fear like selfworth kind of issue where you're like you have all these fantastic dreams of like I'm going to write this I'm going to write that then you do it and you're like this [ __ ] sucks but then once I was able to be like oh now that I have something I can improve this and then that like for me was like oh it's so easy all I got to do is get like
(1:12:27) my shitty idea on paper and then just keep passing over and passing over and pass and then next thing you know it's like this is actually pretty good yeah the um what was the book about right now it's we're still determin I'm writing it with my friend Pedro Selenas but it's Loosely based on a guy who uh has kind of like him and a girl have like a mystical experience when they're like 10 years old and then she ends up in a nut house and he end up becoming a psychologist and then he kind of loses his mind and they they like
(1:13:00) come back together and then it jumps from like the 70s to like now and they kind of are like she comes back to kind of haunt him as he's like trying to live like a normal life that's like the most basic description I can give that's pretty s nonfiction yeah fiction excuse me yeah fiction that's what um that's what we need better fiction too like the uh I've always and I've had a lazy idea when I think it needs to be written um The Death of a Salesman for the mod age which actually would dive into a lot of the [ __ ] that we've been talking about
(1:13:29) about the money [ __ ] up like I think yeah yeah there's a book to be written particularly about like Finance Bros in this era um that'd be pretty cool there's a ton there's a ton who have like dedicated their education their life their careers and then they got there and it was like it's not as great as it was in the 80s or 90s and yeah dude drove a lot of people crazy yeah my my friend who he was like he's deep into Fin and I really like him too cuz he's like he's like my one of my best friends I know him from Psych but he takes a
(1:13:56) very like nuts and bolts like easy approach to finance where it's like people should understand what they're getting when they buy Investments like he's like the it's in it's incentivized for people to kind of sell you an investment product for the fees when it's not the best one for you and that's like his big thing he's like it's it's so you you don't have to do that it's such an unnecessary uh aspect is you're [ __ ] with people's like literally their livelihoods they're the thing they're going to retire on you think about your
(1:14:25) parents working their whole lives and someone being like yeah I'm going to clip a bunch of that value just you know and give you some shitty Financial product yeah it's it's evil it's so evil dude it is it's a product of money printing right Finance got to the point where it's like similar to universities where we don't have to do our job we can just raise our prices like Finance it's like the name of the game is AUM assets under management you get that up and typically funds will charge anywhere from 1 to 2 and a half% and many people
(1:14:54) in the [ __ ] up with way they really don't care about the product that they're selling at the end of the day yes they want it to be flashy and most don't even understand it that's the thing they don't even understand how it works they're just like they have someone else be like sell this this one make you the most commission and they have like a little Spiel obviously yeah dude there was a people who approached my parents and were like they hit you it's called crash proof retirement I shouldn't name them they probably s me
(1:15:15) sler but it's called like some sort of uh something like that but they it's insurance-based and from what I understand I should say so you know there are these insurance based Investments where they're essentially just having you pay into this thing and then letting you use your own money eventually that you've saved and then charging you they're giving you interest but then they're matching your interest in a better Financial product so they're take they're like we'll give you a guaranteed five six whatever it is five
(1:15:43) six% they take your money then they just invest it in better products that make more money and kind of get the difference and then like but you're not allowed to access it and then once 30 years later they're like here's your money didn't we do an awesome job for you and it's just like it's like it was just your money the whole [ __ ] time like you can dip into it but then you get penalized it's it's ridiculous yeah you take the tax it no I mean this is I guess that's what all banks do really but it's like the way they they phrase
(1:16:08) it for people to be like those other things are [ __ ] and then they do that with your money I mean we talked about $37 trillion in debt that's not the real debt that's on balance at the federal level it's considered on balance sheet debt when you factor in Medicaid and Social Security which are very similar to what you just described it's those two alone are like n 191 trillion so altogether it's like $230 trillion almost of debt and oh no so we Medicaid and Social Security alone we owe 190 trillion and but it's a similar
(1:16:44) story it's like you give us a piece of your paycheck we put it into this Social Security fund and the government's going to invest your money and make sure that you're paid out and well they're still taking aren't they still taking social security for people and and they know like it's they're not going it's not going to work know this it's one of those politically unpalatable third rails you can't touch your approach you just have to that's so funny you just have to suck it up and pay your Social Security know you're never going to see
(1:17:05) it yeah my mom's always like you I'm sorry you're not going to see that no it's like I have never ever banked on Social Security I've never thought that was going to happen yeah that's an important point the the real debt is like $230 trillion not 37 um damn yeah and that's it's like as a millennial like I think we should like I'm I've advocated for this with politicians like just stand up like I know I'm not going to get it I'll pay it to a certain point I'll pay till them 45 and after that I'm not paying anymore
(1:17:37) and I don't want I don't expect you to pay me like let's just come to an agreement here where draw a line in the sand anybody above the line is going to get paid out until they die anybody below pays until a certain point that makes sense yeah yeah you should be able to opt out of that at a certain point yeah how much is how much do they even take for Social Security like I don't know I don't know what it's 6% maybe 7% whoa really I could be wrong but it's something it's at least four or five if you wanted to look at damn so they're
(1:18:04) that's that's a [ __ ] decent chunk yeah oh wow so I'm like I always whenever I think about taxes I have to like Dam I always have to like imagine one of my paychecks from like back when I had like jobs in like high school or college so I was always like just Social Security is nothing cuz my paychecks were like $200 yeah so I was like yeah it's like [ __ ] five bucks man who cares I'm like no that's a lot man yeah yeah and it's just there's nothing you can do they just got to take it out then what does the government do with your
(1:18:32) money like nothing yeah I would argue like nothing too valuable they say we need the roads we need the healthcare we need the university system and I think my my belief is that we'd be much better off if the government just kept their hands out and let us figure out yeah just totally private healthcare and all that stuff yeah um yeah I mean that's the other like the the health care system's completely [ __ ] yeah from seven different ways I mean there's a there's a book here too Fiat food it goes into like how when you
(1:19:08) [ __ ] up the money you [ __ ] up everything there's like these Rippling effects so like fat food gets into when we got ripped off the gold standard in 1971 like to quell social upheaval um uh cuz around inflation they basically changed remember the CPI the Consumer Price Index they changed the index they moved the goods around so they took out like a ribey replaced it with ground beef put like a lot of corn and shitty products in the CPI yeah so their tracker they're tracking um what are deemed to be lesser
(1:19:44) substitute goods and those prices don't don't change that much but um they uh manipulated the CPI and then subsidized the corn industry and all this slop that has proliferated over the last 50 years and so they've printed money to create all these cheap food Goods to make sure the CPI didn't go up but all that shit's unhealthy for us everybody gets fat as [ __ ] gets diabetes then 50 years later everybody's unhealthy and so Health costs are going up W and then you subsidize the healthcare cost and with like the
(1:20:21) American Care Act and that [ __ ] up the incentives in that system so you just have these compounding sort of [ __ ] show because we [ __ ] up the money yeah that's kind of bugged out but but what I yeah that's insane actually but the thing is is like all right so if you have a purely for-profit model running everything unregulated then it's like well does that happen anyway cuz they're like [ __ ] it I can s but then I guess people like roduce accountability there's no accountability for any like that makes
(1:20:47) sense yeah with the government's being like this is what you need to eat remember the food pyramid back pyamid that was part of the SC yeah dastard I guess if you have free open information you really can't do that you can't be like oh well I can read the ingredients and you have a bunch of [ __ ] corn oil or so you know soil all all these different like oils and [ __ ] in food it's like oh meat's bad for you Butter's bad for you milk's bad for you eat grains uh seed oils and all that [ __ ] dude you know what's [ __ ] up
(1:21:14) I was eating so I like fully I mean I was like for real like lactose intolerant like I was like I I'm in I can't have gluten that [ __ ] after when I was 21 that started [ __ ] me up and then uh then later on like Dairy I'd eat dairy and just get congested and it was just like felt horrible and then I in like a kind of a last Stitch effort cuz all all the like substitute milks they s they're terrible man and I can tolerate like bad tasting kind of healthy food like almond milk oat milk the [ __ ] the first time you have it it literally
(1:21:44) like makes you sad it's repulsive it's so bad like I I like dude I coconut milk I will say coconut milk is the except coconut milk is actually really good but you know it's whatever it's good but then you put it up against whole milk dude from a cow and it's like it's not it's like not even close and I spent years drinking like the fake milks and then um you know cuz I was like I have to have something and I I for real was like in my head like milk is actually like the effects were right there it would be like a one to one thing I had
(1:22:11) milk congested cold like symptoms if I had enough and then I I was like last Stitch effort literally this year tried raw milk and it was I mean dude I was like you know I I would even sink so low to have vegan cheese like that's how bad like no one will just eat vegan cheese unless there's a real reason do you ever have vegan cheese no it's so dude it's so bad dude it's for real it's gross like it's for real it is gross there's there's like artisanal kind of ye what is it is it just like I don't know dude it's like it's like potato starch and
(1:22:47) disgusting it's like you can people can make it artisanally with like nuts where they can take like coconut oil and it's not bad but I would hesitate to even call it like it's more of like a spread if you make like good vegan the big the holy grail for vegan cheese is to make a good meltable and it dude it doesn't it just like it'ss crispy and it's so [ __ ] gross and I ate it for years like I was like no I can't have dairy this is the healthier option and I just dude I would get like the most insane gas from eating this [ __ ] and I had to
(1:23:16) like CU you know it's hard not to eat cheese cheese is delicious so I was just like [ __ ] man this is the cheese I have to eat and but I was like internally I was like man this sets off like a [ __ ] up chain of events my body every time like hands down when I have vegan cheese my body's like no man this is not it so I went through all that stuff and then eventually like now you know I'm in Texas there's a farmers market near my house and I found out I could get raw milk and I was like [ __ ] it man I might
(1:23:40) as well try it Richardson Farm or uh what the [ __ ] the name of them no it was um Ash ACR yeah yeah the local pastures got I mean the access to good raw milk down here is bro unlike anything I I drank it being like maybe so I I think my my thought was like I heard if you drink raw milk it helps you start to tolerate Dairy better in general because like your body it has like whatever the enzymes that help break down Dairy they get taking out a few pasturize exactly so I'm like you know I had but so that was like my base expectation like all
(1:24:16) right I'll like not be so if you're out to dinner and they cooking in butter I would get like congested and stuff maybe raw milk will help with that dude I got the first day I had it I pour myself a tall glass of it I like all right well here it goes first of all I was like a baby on the nipple when I started drinking it I was just like oh my God oh my God and then I like I like that day part in particular I had like kind of like weird brain fog that I thought was just from taking like zertek oh my God I took allergy medicine I'm like foggy
(1:24:42) dude I'm not lying within like 30 minutes my brain I was like why the [ __ ] my brain feel like it's working like it should and I'm like this is kind of weird maybe it's like Placebo and no I dude I I was feeling like great I started drinking it every day I felt [ __ ] like amazing then I looked into it it's like all the nutrients are bio like super bioavailable yeah it's like it's so good for you that's one of the biggest SCS raw milk as a term is a scop it's just like how it's just milk it was milk for thousands of years and and you
(1:25:08) can test it like that's my thing people like wa but you can go like get a [ __ ] malaria it's like not malaria but it's like you can get a [ __ ] up bacterial infection it's like dude you can just like you test a kid for bacterial in bacterial infections at the doctor you can test a that of raw milk yeah it's like oh yeah they're not present now just don't let it spoil yeah like that that to me was like cuz people get freaked out cuz I have it at my house and I'm like you know you have kids over and I'm like oh I have milk
(1:25:30) but it's like raw milk and like no no no no I give it to my kids I'm like they're fun yeah my boys love it the uh a deep rabbit hole it's the Ross shoud started that did they really yeah it's evil that's evil cuz once you drink it cuz I was even like man I feel like a [ __ ] if I like I went blind or whatever they try to say it started in the UK the early 1900s uh one of the Ross Childs like made a point like we need to hyper pasteurize all the milk it was like one of the two sort of issues that he brought up the whole time D I'm all for
(1:25:57) making a couple bucks but like if you have to like trick people about milk it's like that's so evil dude yeah well like the food pyram in general like that I had thing wasn't um lactose and I had [ __ ] debilitating eczema for most of my life until I was 20 I used to get it from yeah I used to get it from gluten and all that stuff and it was like more of a recent thing but you had it that [ __ ] sucks like it was embar like in the winter like it'd be all up my arms my armpits it was like embarrassing like was very self-conscious about it and
(1:26:23) then iig figured out it was like sugar and carbs and I cut them out for like 2 years I was I was one of the I drank Gatorade like [ __ ] water back in everyone did we all had iced tea it was it was you know cut it out two years I haven't had eggs like a decade and that's crazy yeah it just I needed to reset my body from and it was the sugar and cogs I think the fructus corn syrup yeah I remember when the thought like the green tea arizonas were like healthy still Gatorade ginsing bro but yeah the uh yeah I've done something recently
(1:26:54) I've I've learned you like just from like mess around stuff because my A1C was high my dad is type two diabetes so I'm like I you know I don't feel like I don't want to have to have diabetes and all that you know that like raises all these other mortality markers or whatever just like your A1C being like four point like you know 0.
(1:27:10) five higher increases heart attack whatever just not good for you so I started doing like you know a keto thing that I don't do like strictly keto but it's like I've reduced the amount of carbohydrates I eat daily for since pretty much like before the new year um by even before that like Thanksgiving on um probably by like 80% yeah you really don't like you don't need it dude it's easy to do down here they don't have sandwiches down here it's actually pretty yeah they really they only have a couple places and I can't eat bread anyway but I was I was
(1:27:40) crushing potatoes rice all that stuff uh so it was easier for me to do but I still started sneaking like get you get like addicted to that like just rush of [ __ ] carbs and sugar even if it's not refined sugar and um but yeah I like really took that down I did like keto for a while and I was like all right well I still want to like you know be able to like exercise and all this other stuff which you can still do on keto but I noticed like there's something to having like carbs right before you work out that for me kind of works and like
(1:28:07) yeah I'm like dude I like was eating so many carbohydrates a day and it's like they make you hunger they do dude that's the other thing too now I just eat like a big breakfast I just do my thing all day and I eat dinner and that's it it's like you don't lunch is [ __ ] dude L is [ __ ] [ __ ] sigh up with the schooling system we need we need the kids to do something between the hours of 1200 and 1 we're going to give them lunch yeah true I don't know I'm [ __ ] could be dude actually I think that St is actually the factory worker it's like
(1:28:35) they're working so hard they needed to eat and then just became normalized they eat that's what I've heard I no I've heard something similar about that where it's like it's it keeps people in like a certain Rhythm was that that was the uh maslo the guy who did the uh the hierarchy of needs and all stuff he was big on the whole thing of like just the fact that like yeah just a lunch Bell in general he's like so a bell is going to tell you your body it's time to eat he's like just wait till you're hungry dude
(1:28:58) like yeah that's just be hungry then that's like all if you're not hungry don't eat yeah it's like well it's lunchtime I have to eat now that was the thing too you're like you're in an office [ __ ] sucks you finally get that little like window of freedom and you just run to a place you're not even hungry you're like I have to eat right now and it's [ __ ] soul crushing that's what uh when I'm not traveling I'm pretty good with the intermittent fasting I I won't eat until like dinner see I'm good with traveling actually
(1:29:25) weirdly really traveling [ __ ] me up I go away on like weekends for shows and I come back and I lose weight because I'll just like I just won't eat until like I'm like all right now I'm really hungry and I in order to do stand up I've done it before I'm like lightheaded from not eating I'm like that doesn't work so I'll just wait wait wait eat like a big meal and then snack on something like during the standup hours like you know while I'm waiting or whatever and yeah it's like but I understand it being obviously if you have the if the options
(1:29:52) are available to you it's like yeah it's impossible not to gain weight yeah okay I got to get to Nashville tonight and I'm uh I'm already thinking like a I got to [ __ ] eat at the airport my flights at 7: I'm like [ __ ] yeah that's the thing I'll just be hungry I won't eat at the airport and every now also in Airport's decent because they have like tacos and [ __ ] yeah but I try when I the days that I fly just fast I don't eat at all until I land maybe I'll do that and then once I get there I'm like really
(1:30:16) hungry and I'm like [ __ ] yeah now I'm going to eat yeah or just go to bed hungry I'm like [ __ ] it I'll wait eat when I'm when I wake up yeah but if I have a thing where I need to use my brain I need to I can't be like fasting it seems like more again solve a problem you to recognize it exist seems like more people are waking on like the Maha movement and my wife is manal about her she's like get the seed oils out like we take the raw milk raw cream she makes butter she makes her own pasta awesome yeah he's right then people who I mean
(1:30:41) it's like again it's like I get if you don't like Trump whatever that's fair I would never be like no you're a [ __ ] idiot it's like I you you know we live different lives I'm sure you have reasons for stuff but yeah to be against like Kennedy and be like for like wanting to not poison ourselves with food and like get through like the you know food propaganda it's like what's your problem what's the problem dude it's like we we literally have been being slowly and not even being dramatic like poisoned like the food is literally
(1:31:10) when you heat Fri frier friers are like the ban I I hate [ __ ] fried food it's like you're it's a vat of just you know carcinogenic chemical sludge that's not supposed to be heated dude all they like the Poly on saturated fats and like well they're on like a whatever molecular level whatever it is they're little they they give and that way when they go through your arteries they're not like a bad saturated fat that like like is like super stable and blocks it it's like sure when you you know olive oil raw great but it's like once you [ __ ]
(1:31:41) heat that [ __ ] at like 600 deges for 12 hours it turns into literally poison poison like literally poison it's disgusting I've worked over friers and you feel sick after you get done at the end of the day you're just like oh I worked at a I mean weren't frying it but like I worked at a hot dog stand we're were boiling hot dogs all day still you're smoking cigarettes all day long sitting next to a propane tank yeah I'm I'm the same as you though I'm I am like I'm uh I'm like really optimistic I think things are going to like kind of
(1:32:09) pan out pretty well yeah um I'm not into like the whole Doom and Gloom stuff and it's like you know if if I'm wrong [ __ ] at least I didn't waste my life dooming and glooming so it's like I I do think people are going to slowly kind of wake up and like all right like I'm very white pilled right now me too I think uh yeah I mean obviously my focus on bitcoin is a big source of that but I think again I think we like I'm 33 born in ' 91 like the food just thinking about like Froot Loops uh Lucky Charms like Cookie Crisp fun dip like and they knew
(1:32:46) too cuz they're like cookies for breakfast in the commercial like cookies for breakfast is crazy they're like like that and then like I feel like Nickelodeon was molesting all the kids watch t all that God bless all that cast Lor Beth Timber damn think about it's crazy we're being poisoned from the inside our entertainment were just being [ __ ] molested at Nickelodeon it's pretty the 90s were like a a true Dark Age yeah yeah if and luckily I was a child like unaware of all the [ __ ] so it was naive to it but now looking back and
(1:33:14) then you roll into like 9111 the wars the financial crisis it's like what the [ __ ] I feel like it's true it's really bad when you put it that way it's pretty dark yeah but we've also like the first internet generation I feel like 20 years into it now and when the internet was MH popular popularized I feel like we're just like learning the lessons of like how it's [ __ ] up and learning how to deal with the flood of information and filter like signal from no and get good information out there I agree and you
(1:33:47) know the flood of obviously feedback which like people like being you know like cyber bullying and all that stuff yeah it's like you really have to learn how to like I mean there is a I get it there's a thrill I used to go on YouTube and like just go on people's videos and be like you weird old [ __ ] weird like you know it's just it's just fun and you also there's a pool like well maybe if I do this I'll get noticed and blah blah blah blah but yeah I mean dude it would be cool there there is like there's the possibility of like I
(1:34:13) think we're underutilizing the internet like a lot right now where it could be used you know in a way that'll be pretty cool and it's like this sounds like not even stupid but it's like and I'm not just saying this cuz I make you YouTube videos and people like call me gay online and stuff but it's like just imagine if we were nice online dude we can make each other so happy that's never going to happen I know imagine if you guys just like told me I was like the man like were like pump for me rather than call me gay and stupid
(1:34:36) annoying but I try but no I do think yeah I think the um I think if we can have a couple Generations grow up where like the internet sound there you know I mean it's already happened where it's like people are coming to age where like it's just always been a part of their lives I think people will figure out yeah kind of more useful applications of it yeah we were the first through the door got [ __ ] kicked in the dick and like now we can tell our kids like all right yeah here's the deal stay away from uh um
(1:35:04) stay away from the chat bot stay away from go into the forums if you delve into the forums let me know let me look at it me and my brother are off porn I I mean we're just I was going to bring that up thank you for being as I've been an anti-p porn advocate for for some time now too yeah dude it's people people hiss and they don't like it and I I get it cuz you know if if I was was addicted to it like and it's like when you're addicted to a thing and somebody kind of points out that it's not the best usual reaction is to be like oh
(1:35:31) you're a [ __ ] loser blah blah blah that's how I was when people didn't smoke weed when I was younger I was like I would get like offended I'd be like what yeah why not I would get like pissed but it's like yeah dude it's uh my brother just sent me he was telling me he's like now he was like thank God you know I'm off because he was like now there's full content houses he was like send me the thing I was like it's college kids just just kind of like just almost like open cam you can kind of tune in and just like watch real it's it
(1:36:00) sounds gross even just muttering these words but it's like he was like thank God he was like this would have been my [ __ ] I this my Mainline Spike like literally like big brother like tuned into house I think so I don't that's that I didn't I didn't look at it that was just like I like there something I glimpsed in my phone like like it [ __ ] your brain up so much dude and I'm telling you and it's like when you're in it you're like just porn dude like relax I I've been off of it for not even that I did like almost a guts of a year a
(1:36:29) year or two ago off of it and then I obviously relapsed and fell back into it but now I'm off of it again it's like dude it it really does something too like just like my Baseline like physical attraction for like being married and stuff like it's just your libido it totally changes your libido and I didn't I didn't think I had like a like a libido issue in terms of like having like not enough libido but it's like it's just like being like the simple things of like being touched and like like I'll see my wife in her underwear like [ __ ]
(1:36:59) like I literally get before when you're like on porn you're just kind of like my wife's in are [ __ ] underwear now I'm like tap back in and be like holy [ __ ] dud my wife there's a naked vagina in my bed right now this is crazy yeah it's kind of it's the way it should be just for a just for the reasons of like staying together in a marriage because it is like it's going to be annoying you're going to annoy each other she's going to annoy you blah blah blah and if there's like there's times where I'm like [ __ ] you're bothering the [ __ ] out
(1:37:25) of me and I'm like I want you to change this about yourself but then I get so horny that I'm like it's fine [ __ ] and we have sex and I'm like that there need that's like a memory wipe that I think dudes need to have otherwise dudes go like purely into the like cognitive mode where they're like wait what are we doing here why are we it's like no dude like you're fact you're you're losing the factor that like you know you're just horny and you're having sex with your wife and you don't think about it too much she's going to bother you it is
(1:37:51) a mind [ __ ] for people like you stop watching poor like I'm on I feel better dude and I had the timate test and I'm sure you're doing this we like I'm in hotels by myself and that I was like I was for real like I can't get through a hotel like it's just unfathomable for me to be in a hotel alone and not fat myself to sleep and I've now have two successful weekends under my belt of Hotel being alone in a hotel room and being like no I'm just going to go to bed I'm like uh I'm not looking at porn I'm many years
(1:38:18) in and at some point like I don't know when it happened I don't even think about it anymore you really do get I'm telling you the pool is the same the pool's not there and there there's like a weird switch and this is the same thing for like you know we were mentioning like addicts of like alcohol addicts of gambling there and this is why AA I mean people I think a lot of people know this it was founded around that guy Bill whatever his name is but originally it was LSD was supposed to be like the final step where you're like there's
(1:38:43) this whole tying between like having what's like you know essentially a mystical experience or like a Unity experience blah blah blah which is apparently like part of what human being being a human human beings about like our our brain is wired in some way to somehow facilitate like Peak experiences like maslo or just this kind of like weird unit of larger than life experience um but the my whole point is like if you can kind of tap into some shred of that anything that's addicting you is like laughable in ter like the
(1:39:14) pull of all that stuff just completely it like does something where it just wipes it out where that's like literally you're God if you're a heroin addict like heroin's you're God yeah and there's this weird kind of back door circuit in our brain to have this sort of experience that just like wipes that off and it's like you know I with porn especially you know you can really kind of look at like you know the family unit unit per se not in like a preachy kind of like what do you like porn better than your family but if you
(1:39:41) can kind of like somehow learn how to put those two things in perspective it's like yeah this is it's not I'm not saying it's evil or you're evil but like it truly doesn't serve you to have a family and lead a family to just be like like any chance you get to be like [ __ ] yeah it's like they are in my opinion they're mutually exclusive things people like oh it's like I I just like you're going to have it on your phone the kids going to see that they're going to walk it's like you have to get rid of that [ __ ] yeah imagine your kid walking in
(1:40:09) your pants your ankles your laptop over I mean that's yeah exactly that's like that's the nightmare scenario or even like seeing your porn it's so gross to like be like oh [ __ ] it's unpleasant no as soon as you're done the moment you're done you're like ah [ __ ] you know you go Jesus Christ and it's literally a weapon of War used to demoralize populations like I can see it man think it's it's not good no and uh it warps your feedback loop and your dopamine and all that [ __ ] the uh if you're out there highly recommend taking a break if
(1:40:40) you're into it at least take a break and you will notice you're like oh [ __ ] okay like yeah this is I I was you know I was depleting myself unnecessarily and it has like it has a [ __ ] effect dude yeah now I'm on the retention game like I retention game sick retention game sick my problem with the retention game is when I retain too long and then I finally get to have sex with my wife I'm done almost all it's ridiculous dude it's like and you know I'm like sorry man you know but I don't know she's always like no it's kind of like weirdly
(1:41:11) flattering but it's like yeah I hear you but like dude let's work at a system where like I got to because whenever she's ovulated and that's when she gets like super horny so I'm like let's start working in some hjs like let's get like kind of like you know sof and then and then that way you know we'll be friends and family and then that way once you're like once you're up and running I'm not just like a kind of starving dog that's going to be like [ __ ] right as soon as I start I'm like this is not last and
(1:41:35) it's done but the retention game is it it's that was that was the thing that launched me really with the uh my recent not watching porn was um dude I like I had been off it for like months and then like me and my me and my wife had sex one night and it was like you when you read the Kamas Sutra and you're like people have like divine experiences through sex I never really wrapped my brain around it and then like we had sex and I'm like dude this is like [ __ ] unbelievable this is like what they talk about in the Bible I'm like this is I
(1:42:03) had for real like a it wasn't like it wasn't like a mystical kind of thing but it was like I don't know something like happened where I was like oh yeah this is what you're supposed to be doing like not like it is an in [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I just fapped today of course this is the day my wife wants to have sex and you know like you just do some like semi soft dick [ __ ] on your wife this was like days and days of like just pen experience being like Oh my God yeah it's almost like there's some wisdom there it's karma suure the Bible like
(1:42:29) it's a spiritual sort of act and you should take it seriously um I dude I totally agree yeah yeah no than it's it's hard to be a public I get I get made fun of a lot whenever yeah people like to tr I don't bring it up too often anymore cuz people are like people that think you're closly addicted to porn when you bring it up they're like a you're project I am I've talked to people I am addicted to pornography like when I try to stop watching it I can't therefore I am addicted like totally like 100% I think everybody is and now
(1:42:57) now it's again like degenerate hedonistic acceleration like only fans and now yeah man it's all going to be AI at some point soon too like all those born houses are going to notice that they can produce the same so you're going to be fapping to uh artificial artificially intelligent depictions of yeah I didn't think about that no it's all cling be AI what about where are all the porn ladies going to go I guess they can verify somehow they're real and that'll give people an extra like oh [ __ ] it's going to be hard yeah
(1:43:28) yeah damn oh yeah even they could do chat yeah all that stuff could be I mean this is predicted what was that Demolition Man yeah this been predicted true it's like we're getting to the point where it's possible and that's like the push and pull of the technological digital age that's like the Beyond that's like the Beyond Burger of por think about how soulless that is like yeah you just got got by the computer yeah dude I mean dude it's like that [ __ ] uh shanee was laughing at me when I brought it up on Rogan the
(1:43:57) super normal stimuli where they're like there's like butterflies or moths that like are attracted there's a butterfly that like they have a buil-in program to be like if you see this shade of purple that's your mate the more brilliant shade of purple is like the better for these butterflies then you have scientists who like create these shades of purple that just won't that their female butterflies can never produce because they you know they use like technology and then they'd have these like male butterflies just hovering over
(1:44:24) this it's super normal stimuli it's like they they can't be produced within its own kind of Realm but it hijacks its own neurology neurology to kind of just like dedicate its life to something that's just inherently fake fake and it'll just die yeah and it just dies butterflies just like butt their head up against this thing they're like why isn't this working but they can't stop doing it and then they die and it's like damn that's so sad por is a weapon of War yeah I believe it dude it is a it is [ __ ] it is
(1:44:51) [ __ ] ruining people but this was fun dud thank you it was awesome I know you gota go thanks for explaining Bitcoin that was nice was it okay I guess that was that actually makes sense I can actually speak with some confidence now because I had always people would talk to me my eyes would spin I'd be like I don't want to get too prey but uh man your level of success everybody in your your realm should seriously be considering like saving in Bitcoin yeah man no I I've I've I've warned my wife up to it she you know she was skeptical
(1:45:17) and she was kind of like but I'm like look just take an amount that can't hurt you every month and just start just allocating into it every month and yeah yeah that's the way that's how I got into it in college 50 bucks a paycheck and there you go that's what people should do nice like squirrel waste of money don't put in a bank account it's just eroding your purching power Bitcoins or savings account that's how I like to pitch it it's good move all right right thank you thank you dude this was great peace and love freaks