Bitcoin on the Geopolitical Chessboard with Kane McGukin
China's Belt and Road Initiative has laid the groundwork for its global economic expansion and potential challenge to US financial dominance.
China's Belt and Road Initiative has laid the groundwork for its global economic expansion and potential challenge to US financial dominance.
According to Chamath, the US doesn't have to worry too much about the national debt because, relatively speaking, there is no better option for countries to store their wealth in if they must hold foreign reserves.
The United States federal government may be a lost cause, but many of us Americans have a lot left to give in terms of innovation, productivity and prosperity.
This move officially broke the severely cracked dam preserving the petrodollar's dominant position in the world of international oil trade.
We are so early.
The Big Bear in the East has had enough and seems to be going for the throat economically.
This is an extremely impressive feat for an alien monetary technology that was dropped on humanity a little over thirteen years ago.
It's all about the energy, stupid.