Mel Mattison discusses the potential collapse of the global financial system, highlighting the unregulated eurodollar system and proposing Bitcoin, gold, and silver as hedges against the impending crisis.
In this episode of TFTC, Mel Mattison, author of "Quoz," discusses the complexities and potential collapse of the global financial system, drawing on his two decades of financial industry experience. The conversation explores the unregulated nature of the eurodollar system, its $100 trillion scale outside U.S. regulation, and its origins post-Bretton Woods. Mattison's book weaves a narrative around corrupt central bankers and a quantum AI controlling markets, incorporating historical elements like Roosevelt's gold confiscation and the history of U.S. central banking. He predicts a financial reckoning around 2027-2028, tied to the insolvency of Social Security and Medicare trust funds and soaring interest expenses, potentially leading to a sovereign debt collapse and currency crisis. Solutions like Bitcoin, gold, and silver are proposed as hedges against this crisis, with a discussion on the potential for centralized power to either mitigate the crisis or fight to maintain decentralized alternatives.
Mel Mattison offers a stark warning about the fragility of the global financial system and the potential for a severe crisis around 2027-2028. Mattison outlines historical and current issues leading to an over-leveraged economy, suggesting a possible collapse. Despite this grim outlook, he conveys hope that alternative assets like Bitcoin can help individuals protect themselves and reshape the financial landscape post-crisis. The overarching message is a call for awareness and preparation, urging listeners to consider hedging against systemic risks with assets outside traditional financial structures.
0:00 - Intro
1:14 - Mel’s background
5:58 - Timing the late-fiat breakdown
10:37 - River & Unchained
11:53 - Central bank history
17:24 - Central banks are obsolete
24:19 - Gradually, Then Suddenly & Zaprite
25:56 - The Fed is scrambling, false yield curve
32:49 - Why bitcoin and metals will succeed
37:56 - Was this always the plan?
42:58 - Can we make this the last cycle?
47:01 - Supranational financial entities
56:34 - Luongo’s inter-cabal squabble
1:03:14 - Events between here and endgame
1:18:45 - Puppetmasters
1:26:56 - How to weather the storm
1:33:48 - Plugs
(00:00) the euro dollar it doesn't really have anything to do with Euro anymore it just means any dollar that's held outside of a a Federal Reserve regulated depository institution so any any dollars that are held in Banks and financial institutions outside of us regulations um which was something that was essentially set up uh post Breton Woods by the London Banks um they took all these Backwater islands that they still owned as protector protectorates like Turks and Kos and Bahamas Cay in and they essentially
(00:32) created an entire Offshore Banking industry and they got explicit permission from the bank of England to do whatever they want unregulated the bank of England said you do whatever you want over there as long as you're dealing in dollars it's none of our business we only regulate the pound and so you know the euro dollar system is a criminal money laundering system in the order of probably a hundred trillion dollar or who knows how much it is really um that's completely unregulated and people can do do
(01:05) anything this rip of tftc was brought to you by river it's the best place to buy Bitcoin go to river.com tftc and enjoy this episode freaks I'd like to introduce you to Mel Madison author of the book quas here to talk about the I don't know if it's a dollar end game the Fiat end game but um something that has been talked about for quite some time which is the fact that the Global Financial system is likely systemically fragile and has a bunch of builtup Leverage throughout and has a a long history of corporate uh corporate
(01:44) government uh Partnerships it's been this building Frankenstein over the course of decades and Melly wrote a book essentially saying that you believe that we are nearing the end state of this system um so before we jump into quad and your your thesis wanted we learn a little bit about you what you were doing before you wrote the book and why you decided to ultimately write this book sure and uh thanks for having me on I appreciate it uh my background is completely in financial services for the last 20 years I've worked for some
(02:21) larger established asset managers like Russell Investments out of Seattle as well as Venture Capital back firms um one of them United Capital was sold to Goldman Sachs in 2019 uh some other smaller fintech startups out of Amsterdam Tel Aviv Palo Alto different places and I've served as the CEO of three different uh finra SEC registered broker dealers so a lot of my background really is just understanding the financial Plumbing of the way the the international markets work I have a MBA with a focus on investment in
(02:59) corporate finance from Duke University and during the course of my career uh I've also been a bit of a amateur you know kind of financial historian buff and always open to what most people might call conspiracy theories but which I believe a lot of times have uh grounding in truth and just learn more about Central Banking uh kind of shady what I call Deep economic State type organizations such as the IMF the World Bank the bank for international settlements and bosel Switzerland and kind of couple this financial history with the state of
(03:37) where we're at and as you mentioned um it kind of goes back decades but I I would argue it you know it actually goes back centuries it goes back to the the founding of the bank of England in 1694 you can look at the shenanigans that went on um during our founding uh things that Hamilton was involved with a guy Robert moris the the the First Central Bank of the United States and so there's really a long history um in our country and internationally uh of powerful Financial interests uh obviously acting according
(04:15) to their best interests and not to the peoples and I wanted to try to expose some of that in in a entertaining way and that's why I wrote quas I'm a big Thriller fan I like kind of old school stuff Tom Clancy some of the newer stuff and I thought it would be cool to instead of having CIA operatives against KGB you know let's talk about corrupt Central Bankers uh quas involves a Quantum AI computer that's controlling the financial markets and an attempt by these corrupt Bankers to put in a a global Central Bank digital currency and
(04:52) collapse the markets um but at the same time I put in little segments that are also a little bit educational talking about everything from Roosevelt's confiscation of gold in 33 to history of Central Banking in the United States sound money uh crazy debt levels that were're at uh all the issues with the dollar and so on so that's that's a little background on me and and a little bit about quas I think the last thing I'd add about quas which is kind of interesting is it's it's kind of a
(05:22) reference to Quantum Oz but there's a bit of a homage there to uh Frank bomb's book The Wizard of Oz which in itself was a monetary allegory where you had the yellow brick road and you had Ruby's silver shoes uh in the book they were silver shoes not ruby slippers and it was really talking about gold and silver versus the the fraudulent Greenback the Emerald City the wizard behind the curtain that's that's a total fake and um so that it's kind of an homage in that title as well to the the monetary
(05:56) message that the Wizard of Oz has yeah and it seemed seems like as it stands today like I was mentioning before we hit record uh it's a pretty preent day to be recording considering it seems like Japan is losing uh further losing control of their yield curve I believe the Yen was trading above 161 the last I checked at the same time you have 10year yields blowing up here in the United States this is a week after uh we had a presidential debate in which it seems pretty obvious that the sitting president is not cognitively um inclined
(06:33) I guess is the polite way to say it and um again going back to what I said earlier I mean this is I've been reading Zero Hedge since I was in my early 20s and this idea of a late stage Fiat breakdown a breakdown of the dollar has been surmised for for sometime obviously most famously post 2008 with the bailouts and QE and everything that came after that many people said all right the dollar is doomed uh to fail and yet here we are today 2024 things aren't Rosy but everything seems to be somewhat put together and so why
(07:12) do you think the timing as it stands today July first 2024 um makes sense for the culmination of this builtup uh complexity within the system to finally break down yeah it's a great question and it's a fair question because I mean I've been listening to people as well talking about the dollar is going to collapse and you know put all your money into gold now and this is like 25 years ago and you know I mean people have been talking about it for a long time because the long-term trajectory is kind of
(07:47) heading to this place what I think a lot of people have gotten wrong is they've underestimated the amount of rabbits that Central Bankers treasury um cabinet level officials can pull out of their hat in order to extend things I think they underestimated the length they would go the duplicity that they would take it to um and then why would it you know happen now I still think there are rabbits in the Hat yet to be pulled so I'm not forecasting like an eminent collapse in the next three months or something like that I think we are in
(08:23) the endgame though and and I have a generally specific time frame of where I think stuff is really going to start to you know hit the fan which is more around the 2027 2028 time frame I think it coincides with um some big uh changes that are coming with essentially the insolvency of the Social Security and Medicare trust funds I think that you couple that with the exponential growth in interest uh expense which we have never seen before we can you I have details on that I'm kind of a nerdy guy pulled a monthly treasury statement
(08:59) every month uh that the treasury Department puts out and when you look at it it's just it's just an astronomical hockey stick line um the amount of uh over1 trillion dollars of debt that we've had to refinance in the last 12 months has taken our year-over-year expense costs up of 40% so you know when you start seeing these crazy Rises where now interest expense is more than Department of Defense it's more than Medicare it's going to be more than pretty much everything soon uh then you realize that there is going to have to
(09:33) come that that Reckoning and as I mentioned I think the Social Security um trust fund is going to play a role in that and so I think the stuff you're seeing around the world whether it's with the Yen um you can look at countries in Germany it's not just the United States problem and that's the the final kind of uh reason for why now I guess is that when we've seen these bubbles blow up in the past they have been with kind of second derivative type interest instruments they've been with
(10:01) mortgage back Securities or you had the.com boom or you had the Savings and Loan in the 80s now the fundamental asset that is in the bubble territory that is going to blow up is the US Treasury and more broadly sovereign debt around the world and when that fundamental base layer of the monetary system blows up um you know the currency is next to follow and so I think that's where we're at and and we're at the end game and you know you could flesh out any of that as well but uh generally speaking those are the main trends that
(10:36) I see culminating very soon this episode was presented by river river is the best most secure place to buy Bitcoin in the United States go to river.com tftc set up an account today you'll be able to DCA into Bitcoin without paying any fees you'll be able to give people Bitcoin via river links you'll be able to send and receive Bitcoin over the lightning Network and you'll be able to set limit orders if you want to buy Bitcoin at a particular price low or above where it is now you can set orders to buy Bitcoin
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(12:14) system to this point yeah um well I think you know it's it's interesting because now we're in the the pure Fiat world but of course for most of uh modern history that that wasn't the case and the the central banks were really set up originally as a way to siphon the wealth particularly the gold and silver of the people away from the people and and get it to The Sovereign so that the king could do whatever he wanted as far as it usually involved uh Wars and that's basically the way the bank of
(12:46) England got started in uh 1694 the king of England William III he had essentially levied so much tax on his people that he knew he couldn't raise taxes any higher than were it would be civil unrest and you know they'd be coming for him um with the Noose and he also couldn't borrow because he had defaulted he' borrowed from wealthy people and and couldn't pay them back uh and so he he needed uh money to go and fight the French and when he went to his wealthy backers and said loan me money and they said no uh
(13:21) he said well I need this money and the wealthy backer said well there is something we could do and it involves you giving us the exclusive right to print paper money you mandating that that paper money be accepted and we will set up a bank the bank of England and we will take money in from the people gold and silver we'll issue paper notes we'll funnel the gold and silver to you so you can pay the ship Builders and the uh uh soldiers that are are demanding you know hard money and you know we'll loan it
(13:57) out to you at an interest rate and you know you pay us back at an interest so the bankers get to make money on the interest the king gets his money for his Wars and the people meanwhile have their money essentially confiscated and and and get handed paper notes and that whole trajectory of what a central bank is it's a mechanism for the wealthy to take a cut of the siphoning of money from the people to The Sovereign um is been the role of of of the central bank it's why you know the Federal Reserve is
(14:26) is still to this day owned by companies like JP Morgan and City Group when you dig into who owns for example the regional uh Bank like the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or you know you have to look at the Federal Reserve System you can't look at the Open Market Committee in DC that's obviously government and Pointes but where the rubber meets the road in our Federal Reserve System is with the 12 Regional Reserve Banks and those are private corporations owned by the by the banking cartel and so this this whole Central
(14:54) Bank you know kind of Ponzi scheme is essentially like just keep printing debt you know just take money keep printing debt and obviously we got to a point in the 70s where trying to even keep up the charade that this was backed by gold and silver started to fall apart and so I I skipped over a lot of history I skipped over um you know H Hamilton's role for example in the American Revolution where he started us off down this path of you know borrowing um from International financiers just rolling over the US debt
(15:31) he basically you know said oh we're not going to pay back the debt we're only going to make interest payments there're all these attempts throughout our history in this country to try to fix that uh Jefferson uh appointed a Secretary of the Treasury a guy named Albert uh Gallatin and Jefferson said like he's the only man I know that can unwind this Labyrinth that H Hamilton has created with American finances and and Gallatin started us down this path of reducing debt and so on but you know things happened the War of 1812 happened
(16:03) um Andrew Jackson came back in he got rid of the second Central Bank of the United States he paid off the entire national debt the only president to do so and so that was in 1836 and we were back on a good path and then the Civil War happened and so a lot of these things have been punctuated by Wars but what we're seeing now is that it's no longer this crazy deficit spending during times of War it's now become part and parcel of the way this country operates where we're running2 trillion do deficits just so that we can have
(16:35) some sort of a positive GDP we we would have we would have negative 34% GDP if we weren't running2 trillion dollar deficits and it's just getting harder and harder to create the growth the velocity of money we're having to pile more and more in and it's a law of diminishing returns where this whole thing is starting to get to the end of the thread where there's just not going to be any more you know of the sweater to pull and all of a sudden everybody's going to realize oh my gosh uh there
(17:03) there's only one way out of it and then and it's money printing it's inflation and and that's why I think you know ultimately we're going to see you know bond yields attempt to rise I think they're going to pull out yield Cur controls and different things like that but eventually we're we're coming to this this currency crisis and we're getting closer you know every month yeah I mean I think some would argue we're even already in it when you look at inflation uh we've seen tons of
(17:30) videos I'm sure online of people complaining either at the grocery store or in their cars about how how hard it is to get by these days and obviously the government statistics and data that they're putting out on a month in a month out and corly basis are manipulated to make it seem like things are are much better than they are so if you were to actually look at real inflation and just suppose that to GDP growth would not be surprised if it's actually negative GDP growth over the last couple years at least um and then
(18:02) bringing this back to central banks it's crazy that um what started as an agreement between the king and these Bankers has morphed into a system that everybody takes for granted I mean we live in a world where everybody just expects like money works because central banks exist and these are the people who are supposed to actually manage money and monetary policy and um manipulate interest rates and expand and contract the money supply at any given point in time like this is the way money works and um over the course of
(18:32) centuries it isn't saying that um people have been lulled into this false sense of reality that this is the way money is supposed to work when it's completely corrupt at its core exactly it it is and there's no reason for us to have a central bank anymore I mean the only reason you needed some sort of a bank was because the government actually needed money because the government couldn't print money you know and and once we went total Fiat the whole reason to have a central bank it just evaporated the only
(19:03) reason we have it is it's a way for the banks to to make money and continue their corrupt you know fractional Reserve practices um I if you think about it why would we be issuing debt so that and and the bulk of it is bought by Financial firms here in the country it's a very small amount of our debt that's that's foreign held it's around 20 30% of the public debt but that doesn't include the intergovernmental debt when you include that in you're getting down to basically 10 15% of our our our debt
(19:35) is is foreign held um we're essentially borrowing from insurance companies mutual funds Banks uh financial institutions and then we're paying them interest for something that we could print on our own um inflation as Milton Friedman said is everywhere and always you know a monetary phenomenon and it's inflation is caused by the money Supply whether or not we're paying interest on the debt is not going to have anything to do with inflation what's going to matter is how many dollars are circling
(20:09) around out there chasing a fixed amount of goods and services you increase the dollars keep the goods and services the same you know you're going to get inflation and so if the government would uh you know put itself on a path where the amount of dollars needed to be created was not such that the markets would be alarmed um there'd be no reason why we can't just issue you know notes we can't just issue tender this idea of going through a bank a central bank which is a a quasi private organization
(20:43) and in the United States when you come to the reserve banks a 100% private organization it it's a relic of a world where sovereigns needed gold and silver and and since they don't need that anymore it's only there to perpetuate the the corrupt banking cartels and provide profits for the likes of you know JP Morgan and City group as I mentioned so there's a whole bunch of reasons around why this this doesn't make any sense anymore and it we need to you know reset some things but it's it's
(21:14) gotten now to a point where the Federal Reserve I believe already recognizes all of this uh people will talk about things like uh fiscal dominance where the Federal Reserve knows that they can't raise interest rates much higher they know every time the 10e starts getting close to 5% you start having Financial alarm Bells go go off throughout the system and they realize that you know there's just not going to be any way for the debt issuance to be absorbed um in such a way by the market uh as to not cause rates to just Skyrocket and so
(21:52) that they're starting to put into place all the mechanism the rabbits from the hat that I talked about that they're in out so that they're going to be able to park this massive debt issuance um at places like private Banks and there you know there's a famous is the letter the international swaps and derivatives Association um which is basically all the big banks that they sent to the FDIC and the Federal Reserve saying we want treasuries to no longer be considered part of our supplementary Reserve ratios
(22:25) which essentially allows them to buy unlimited amount of treasuries but continue to to loan you know uh essentially unlimited amounts of money off of those because they're not affecting their Reserve ratios we've seen Yellen issuing so many more bills we've seen them create a new six-week Bill we've seen Yellen in the most recent quarterly funding announcement state that the treasury is going to be buying back some treasuries with the the general account and that's just the the treasury you know Department you know
(22:55) ahead of the election just taking Supply off of the market so all of these players behind the scenes especially at the treasury but to some extent at the Federal Reserve they all understand exactly what they're doing they know exactly what's coming they understand that this inflationary uh you know road map is is in place and they're they're pulling the rabbits out of the hats to try to manage it and I think if the best case scenario is they somehow manage it and we have like a 10-year period or longer with
(23:24) much higher inflation than uh people would like to see or uh if the market really sniffs all of this out and you start getting uh real Financial um concerns around it you you get the calamitous type of collapse but what I definitely don't see is some way that we move into a period as the FED likes to say oh we're committed to a sustained uh 2% inflation level I mean that's just a joke it's not happening and as you reference all these inflation statistics are all Jerry rig they don't take into
(24:00) account borrowing costs um you know you look at a price of a home or an education over the last 20 years it's not up what the CPI is up it's up three four five x what CPI is up over that time period so we've had massive inflation as you said we're already in the middle of this and it it's still going to continue quick break here freaks this rip is brought to you by gradually than suddenly a framework for understanding Bitcoin is money by Parker Lewis I wrote the forward to the book I'm honored to have done so because it's
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(25:53) com tftc to get $40 off their annual subscription zap.com tftc $40 off the isda manipulation of the reserve ratio something that flew very far under the radar earlier this year because you if that if they took the treasuries out of the reserve ratio last year when all these Banks fell like arguably they their losses wouldn't be laid bare and you wouldn't have had that mini Bank Run that went on last year um I mean we've dealt with that in the Bitcoin space too I think silvergate um being the being one of the best examples they they were
(26:28) actually able to pay back all their depositors their cash but um they they were forced to sell their treasuries due to the fact that um yields went up and they they basically had to sell them to to make good on their deposits but if isda had done that a couple years earlier they'd be completely fine and that just highlights the arbitrary and uh the arbitrary nature of how they're operating on the go here yeah exactly and um when you look at other mechanisms they're putting into place that they're trying to find places
(27:02) to put treasuries right I mean that's the problem there's this $130 trillion Global bond market and people are starting to realize like okay a three a 4% interest rate just is not going to hold purchasing power over the next 10 15 20 years and people do not want to own you know longer duration bonds now you know the big banks are going to try to send out their Salesforce financial advisors and still try to tell people the the virtues of a 6040 portfolio until American you know retirees they need to have most of their money in
(27:35) bonds and all of this stuff but people behind the scenes they know that's just a joke and another big thing they recently did that flew a little bit under the radar was the Lumis gillin um uh stable coin payments act I don't know if you're familiar if you talk to your listeners about about what they're trying to do with stable coins um but they're they're definitely got their eye on uh crypto rip large uh Bitcoin things that Larry fin is doing um the stable coins uh the way they're getting their
(28:07) fingers into those um so so they're they're going after everything and it it is definitely getting out of control no I think tether's what the 16th largest buyer of treasuries at auctions over the last year which is pretty crazy when you think about it and then on top of that like you have these external factors outside of the US where treasury demand is weakening whether that's because we sanctioned Russia's treasury assets and not only Russia but other countries around the world are looking that and saying gosh we got to
(28:42) diversify away from this as a reserve asset because we don't know if they're just going to flip the switch one day and and rug our our treasury Holdings and then again going back to Japan um they may not want to be four sellers but with them losing control of their yield curve and being the large uh owner of us treasuries globally like they're going to have to defend that to quell social unrest domestically and so you just have this natural seller so it makes sense that they would be moving the the chairs on the uh on the deck of
(29:15) the Titanic to try to figure out where they can shovel treasuries from here on out yeah exactly and you're absolutely right you know Japan largest foreign holder largest holder globally is is obviously the Federal Reserve um and they and they list it even in their own documents for people that think oh maybe the Federal Reserve it's kind of a public institution so the treasury puts out their own documents of the the private debt privately held debt and and intergovernmental debt is the term they use if the Federal Reserve was part of
(29:46) the government it would be listed in their own documents and under intergovernmental debt uh for example debt that is held by the Social Security trust fund is intergovernmental uh US debt um they list the f fedal Reserve in the private private holders of of of treasuries and obviously they're up over like you know seven I think it's like well it's like five billion or something trillion like that in treasuries and then another couple trillion uh two and a half or three trillion or so in uh agency um you know mortgage back
(30:17) Securities but which are federally you know guaranteed and and I think I think that's an interesting um Point as well that I've talked about before which uh uh was an idea that came to me from a guy named George Robertson um that basically said you know if you go kind of preco and you look at that spread between US Treasury yields and agency backed debt you know uh Fanny May Freddy mcdb that has a implied but it's pretty much explicit guarantee by the United States Government after what happened in
(30:51) ' 0809 we know it's explicit now um you have US government backed debt and then you have treasuries and normally that spread has not been exorbitant it's been a little bit of a spread to take account for the packaging of of of mortgages and so on and so forth but it's not anywhere near where it has been where you have a 30-year uh fixed rate mortgage now at around seven or more percent and then you have a 10year sitting let's just call it four and a half to talk about a general range that's been in to have
(31:25) that type of a two and a half% spread spread between MBS what it tells you is that the market is saying in an unmanipulated Market uh us-backed uh debt you know and a 30-year fixed rate mortgage because of prepayment risk and so on it's actually similar in duration to a 10-year so it's a good thing to compare like a 30-year mortgage to a 10-year uh treasury uh that spread can only be accounted for by the fact that there's all this like I said kind of backdoor yield curve control light that's over going on with
(32:00) uh Federal Reserve holding massive amounts of Treasury uh Yellen issuing more bills instead of coupons um all this stuff is going on and that if you look at uh the yield curve and you think about the risk-free yield curve more along what's the yield curve of agency backed uh Securities then you realize that the yield curve has never been inverted right so you've got 5% on the short end and you've got 7% you know basically in the 10year in mortgage which is the 30-year fixed and so when people have been saying well we're going
(32:31) to have this recession because the yield curve is inverted the yield curve is no longer telling you the truth the yield curve is manipulated the yield curve is basically and if you look at you know mortgage backs you got a better idea the real yield curve and that has not yet inverted and that's why we're not seeing a recession yeah it's uh it's insane you mentioned fatty May and I was just looking up the numbers when you when you think about how large their balance sheet is particularly how much debt I
(32:59) think it's in like the four to five trillion dollar range or three to five trillion dollar range and that's just essentially like zombie debt sitting in this government entity yeah and they just announced they're going to uh bring them into the or they're working on bringing them into the second mortgage business so people have been hesitant to tap the equity in their homes because the interest rates are so high and the government so you know they need they need spending they need consumption they need ways to juice
(33:34) the economy and so they've realize that second mortgages which don't get that government back guarantee historically they're even higher than 7% they're 89% they're like we need to bring these down and so they just pass laws to uh or or working on um executive actions through the agencies to allow Fanny May and Freddy Mack to guarantee second mortgages so that's going to open up a whole new can of worms as far as debt that Americans are going to be able to access and again these are more rabbits
(34:04) you know out of the hat that perpetuate the cycle and that's why you know I actually think what this is is all of these things we're talking about you know deliberately lowering the yield curve uh creating second mortgage opportunities um all of these things are inflationary by nature and that's why I continue to believe that we're going to have you know asset prices in general increase and that's going to include stocks which are priced in nominal terms but it's especially good for assets that
(34:35) are you know basically barometers on what we've been talking about and I think the purest play on that is Bitcoin but then I think gold and silver are also got their own you know Mojo going for them especially with the fact that central banks around the world are are building up their stock piles of gold and so gold silver Bitcoin I mean these to me are going to be the best performing asset classes I think stocks are still going to do well I think real estate's going to do well um and then what I see happening is is when people
(35:07) start to put all these pieces together it starts to become Market consensus that were in fiscal dominance that we heading for financial repression that there's no way to get out of this without a massive inflationary Spike then we're going to see volatility you know kind of hit some of those markets like the stock market um in the long run I think they'll eventually bounce back but if might be after a 50 60 70% drop that occurs sometime in the next 5 years but I think assets like like Bitcoin gold silver um those are just at that
(35:39) point they're they're going to go places where people don't think they can go I believe you know million dollar Bitcoin $10,000 gold um $200 silver um we're going to see things that we've never seen in recent history but that we have seen in history you know we've seen gold gold from $35 an ounce to over $800 an ounce um in the 1980s right um where you go you in 71 it was 35 bucks in 1982 or something like that it hits 850 you know it goes up that massive you know 10x 20x Type move and there's no reason why we
(36:18) can't see those types of of skyrocketing moves that was a bubble in Gold you know we we we we created a gold bubble in the 80s and it took a long time to get back to that A50 level and we're still not even back to the inflation adjusted high of gold so it's been a big a long time coming and I think Bitcoin has never seen this happen because of its recency but uh it's going to see that type of a move too because people are just going to realize the the only way out of this is to deflate away the debt it's either that
(36:50) or we don't pay the debt and if we don't pay the debt that's even worse and so the central banks and the treasury departments are going to understand even though we can never admit this publicly we need a controlled period of sustained High inflation and they will manufacture that just like they did in 1946 and 1947 where we had 12 and 133% inflation respectively during those two years and we got the 120% debt to GDP post WW2 down from 120% of GDP to like 80% of GDP because we rattled off 40% inflation in
(37:24) 46 and 47 yeah I mean it's got ymr Vibes as well particularly the stock the stocks and real estate appreciate appreciating throughout all this I mean that was Nile Ferguson I think put it incredibly well um in when money dies when he said everybody on the street thought that they were getting rich because the stock market was was booming and every paper boy owned stocks and thought he was wealthy however they did not understand that their their currency was being completely debased in real time I guess this begs the question too I mean
(38:00) you're you've expressed that it seems like the central banks and the governments see the writing on the wall and again are shifting the chairs on on the deck to make sure that everybody's as comfortable as possible as we get closer to the wall that we're about to hit do you think they always knew that this would be the end result of the policies that they began back at with the bank of England or do you think again this is just some sort of Frankenstein that they lost control of at some point and now are trying to
(38:36) basically mitigate a worst case scenario not only that um leverage a worst case scenario or a Calamity to funnel people into another system which they control yeah I I I think to some extent they they did know it and I think it's a little bit of the case where we know this is going to happen but by the time I'm already set up with whatever I need to be set up with or I'm out of public life it'll be somebody else's problem and so it's like a game of musical chairs where nobody wants to
(39:11) be kind of you know left standing when when the Music Stops and and people have have always thought and they've always been able to uh kind of keep that music going so that it doesn't stop when they're the one still standing but if you actually look at what's happened um we've we've seen these these crises many times before people they like to talk about well the US has never defaulted on its debt or we've never had a currency crisis with the dollar I mean again BS we have defaulted on our debt you know
(39:41) we have had currency crisis we defaulted on our debt in I think like 18 forget what it was it was some it was part of part of the debt that we had uh created during during the War of 1812 um and if you look at what we did just to get this country started um you know we we kind of did what we had to do but we created you know the Continental I mean there was a saying for a long time worthless is a continental the Continental Currency it was a the initial currency of the United States was a Fiat Continental Currency and we
(40:14) went from a money supply in the colonies of around 12 million uh dollar uh in spei in gold silver money supply in 1775 by the end of the Revolutionary war between states and federal governments over a half a billion dollars of fiat currency had been pre uh printed I mean you you go from a12 million money supply and you print over five I'm not like putting this in today's terms it was over 500 million dollar um that that that was created during the course of the Revolutionary War in state script and and federal script um the
(40:52) Continental obviously that stuff went to you know two three cents on the dollar and and it was never redeemed it was never made whole uh you know that never happened the other thing that we did during the Revolutionary period was we issued tons of debt and most people that supported that debt you know knew that there that this was in inflated terms and that it was never gon to going to be repaid and so they they kind of sold it and and they sold it to Banks and speculators and people like Robert Morris and and Friends of Alexander
(41:23) Hamilton and once they got their hands on it that was why Hamilton was so Keen uh when he was our first treasury secretary to have the the federal government assume the Revolutionary War dead of the states because all these speculators had picked it up for 10 20 cents on the dollar because nobody thought it'd ever be paid and then he comes in and says oh no we're going to pay it and he that that was his main thing in his first term as treasury secretary was to consolidate all the Revolutionary debt of both the states
(41:52) and the federal government restructure it and then set it up in a way where the government never had to pay it off but would only have to pay interest and could constantly be rolling it over and rolling it over and rolling it over and it wasn't until you know Jefferson came into office and appointed uh Gallatin as as treasury secretary that some of that stuff began to get rectified but these types of games have been you know being played from the beginning and they were even more obvious about it back in 1776
(42:21) than they are now and they we had depressions in the 1800s we had currency crisis we had the Greenback Fiasco with Lincoln we had Market collapses we we've had all of that repeatedly um over the centuries in the history of this country and so for us not to see it would be incredible for us to to go from 19 you know 29 for us to go almost a hundred years already without a massive depression or a currency collapse is actually the abnormality um the the typical State of Affairs has been to see these types of things happen much more
(42:57) often often one thing I'm curious is like what are your thoughts on like the potential or the ability for this to be the last time we have to learn this lesson for for a while I mean when you consider the fact that we live in the digital age individuals like yourself and me can have conversations like this and then distribute it globally and really get information out to individuals around the world um when you look at the emergence of things like Bitcoin which really make it impossible for these central banks and governments
(43:31) to manipulate this form of money like do you have hope that um if the Calamity is large enough and people get angry enough that we can avoid this moving forward or is this something that we are doomed to repeat time and time again throughout history yeah I mean I mean ultimately I I see money as we have it as a primarily a control mechanism something that really needed to be put in place once the um unabashed rights of the government to do whatever they wanted were taken away so in the 1500s a king didn't like what people were saying in a
(44:11) village he could send in the troops burn down the church take the grain you know rape the women they you know they could they could do what they wanted it was unquestioned absolute Authority and and you saw money come into the picture in a big way in the 1600s part of a transfer of land and uh political Authority as power to to money as power and I think you know that we have competing is for the on the positive Ledger we have for the first time as you mentioned this technology and this knowledge that was never available in the past we have a
(44:49) way to transact um whether it's through a a medium like Bitcoin or some other thing that perhaps perhaps is a hasn't even been invented yet or some other sort of platform or something we have that potential in a way that we never had before to cut these guys out of the loop to take away the middleman if you will um and restore some sort of Sanity to to monetary policies in the world and that would be my hope um my concern on the negative side of The Ledger is that there are forces that don't want to see
(45:26) that happen and that well it might be possible and people like you and me and the audience here are learning about this and feeling like this is the way we need to go when the dust settles um that there could be forces at play that are also very powerful very smart very nefarious that are going to want to put things into place to perpetuate the system under a different name a different costume and so I think that's going to be you know a battle uh for the ages I I think we're kind of living in a way at at very interesting times and I
(46:01) think a lot of times people underestimate the amount of change that happens in the world because it doesn't happen in our lifetimes like the world of 1939 when my father was born is a completely different world than the world it is now as he gets ready to turn uh 84 years old in September and in the course of that 84 years I mean what has happened what has changed is just you know it's almost unfathomable and I think we have to recognize that all of this stuff it's actually part for the course to have major shifts in money in
(46:36) monetary policy we had bread and woods we had a a gold convertibility um situation then we didn't then we had Fiats before that we had pound sterling as a reserve currency like this isn't ancient history with thases and ancient Greece this is stuff that happened in you know my dad's lifetime so I think we're going to see big changes and hopefully uh this time can be different but um I don't think it's going to be easy yeah when you mention the powerful forces who did not want to see this
(47:06) happen the institutions that come to mind for me are like the IMF the bis uh the financial action task force what's interesting about these and I think maybe we should dive into them is that they're these supernational unelected entities that have a lot of undue influence over what happens in the Global Financial system particularly as it pertains to uh National debts and refinancing the debt of whole Sovereign Nations when they get in trouble and so when it comes to the IMF and bis specifically like what
(47:40) should people be aware of in regards to those two organizations how much control they have and what they would like to see moving forward yeah yeah I mean the IMF World Bank bis those are the big three in my opinion and I think we just saw this week uh riots in Nigeria um which doesn't get a lot of play on mainstream media here in the United States but there was basically a massive Revolt the Nigerian citizens rushing into the Nigerian Parliament um and the the president uh pulling out the military and shooting
(48:15) dozens of people dead on the street I think he claimed six people died but independent reports are it's a lot more than that it's 100 shot at least 30 40 people killed and why why why were the people of Nigeria revolting well they were revolting because of the taxes he was trying to put on so he could so that the Nigeria could pay back IMF loans um you know I mean loans to the IMF and also loans from China that that they had taken out and they're having trouble meeting the The Debt Service on it and
(48:44) and so the IMF the international monetary fund the original name that was proposed for it at the Breton Woods conference by uh John mayard KES was the international monetary union he wanted an international monetary Union um he did not want the dollar as the reserve currency he knew um that if you set up the dollar as the reserve currency you would wind up in this situation I mean he he straight up said what's going to happen is there's going to be such an artificial demand a Sy synthetic demand for dollars because um
(49:18) uh people are going to need it to trade and all the things that happen with the reserve currency that you're going to get into a situation where the United States is going to be forced to go into to massive debt simply to create the dollars that the Global Financial system is going to need and it's there's a term for it there's an economist who who wrote detailed um about the infeasibility of a single nation acting as a global Reserve currency it's called trippin Paradox or trippin dilemma and
(49:49) this was all known back in the 1940s and and and John Meer Kane's solution was to create kind of a trade weighted uh currency system with at its core back by gold um he called it the an international unit of account called the bankor which is part of a French uh working of of like French money uh for for gold money um French for gold money and basically he wanted like if a country devalued its currency so it could uh do more exports for example like uh this International Group would essentially say oh no you know you're
(50:25) going to be penalized or you're going to have to put in gold or basically making it so that you know these trade Wars and things that go on where where countries are at a race to the bottom because they want to continue to to export to foreign markets um he he wanted to get us out of that situation he saw this happening so I think that at the end of the day you know your earlier earlier question about yes did they see this happening I I think clearly they did and then what you're seeing today with things in
(50:54) Nigeria and so on this is all a result of of these massive uh International organizations um the worst of which I think is the the bank for international settlements uh that's the one of the three that already existed prior to Breton Woods the IMF and World Bank were put in place after Breton Woods at Bretton Woods they voted to get rid of the bank for international settlements because it essentially funded the third right I mean it was essentially a Nazi shell company um uh based in in uh Basel Switzerland I think the the only reason
(51:28) why Hitler never invaded Switzerland was he needed the bankers there I mean he he invaded every other neutral country in Europe but he never went into Switzerland because he needed that conduit um of Western money through the bank for international settlements um which has sweeping Powers they're exempt from taxes the managers of the ba bis uh travel with diplomatic pouches the grounds of bis headquarters is Sovereign Terr like an embassy uh even Swiss authorities can't enter without permission um this was all created under
(52:03) International treaty at the hay that uh created the bis which is the central bank for central banks um and which to this day people like Jerome pow Christine lagard the head of the People's Bank of China the top 63 Central Bankers from around the world go there every two months meet completely in secret do not disclose the minutes of the meeting don't don't disclose who attends they set the global monetary agenda and they do not discuss it with anyone um and they do it in complete secrecy and the media never covers it
(52:34) and you know pal sneezes in the US and they cover it you know he goes for secret meetings every two months to bosel Switzerland nobody talks about it wow I thought I was up to date on all these happenings behind the scenes at that level but I I did not know they were meeting every two months that's insane yeah they they have the schedule you can go to bis org and you can look at the bonly meetings and it'll list it and there's three key meetings and a lot of the action at quas takes place during
(53:07) these these bimonthly meetings every two months um there's three key meetings the first one that's held on Sunday night is called the ECC the executive consultative committee and this is essentially like the G20 Central bankers and they get together on Sunday night and they meet for like an hour hour and a half and then they go to this 18th story dining room at the top of the bis headquarters which is designed by the same Architects that did like the bird's nest in China and they had this super fancy gourmet meal the best European
(53:40) wines you know totally you know top-notch everything and they talk about what they want to set as the agenda for Monday and on Monday there's two meetings so the next level down from the ECC is the gem the GM or global economy meeting and at that point they let other Central Bankers from the less powerful central banks in um some of the larger ones they let vote and talk and then the the the real smaller ones um they only get to observe and then they put forward things for the vote in the final of the three meetings which is what they call
(54:18) the AG or the all Governor meeting where the 63 um Central Bank Chiefs or or their delegates now Jerome goes most of the time himself once in a while he will delegate somebody um to go in his stad but he he generally comes and he is the chair of the economic consultative committee he's the chair of the um the GM I believe and all this is on the bis website it'll tell you like like the chair of the ECC is the current chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of government Governors Open Market Committee so this stuff this stuff
(54:55) happens they just they don't let anybody in I went to bosel Switzerland to research this for qua I got kicked out of the headquarters I mean they will not let anybody near this place not even to come in as a tourist and visit I tried to get in as a tourist to visit they looked at me like I was nuts um so th this is the real deal stuff and these are people that um like I said when when Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia SE Central Bank they didn't hold their gold they let the bis hold the gold and when they
(55:26) were because they thought it would be safe with with with these criminals and and the bis held gold and vaults all around the world mostly in Switzerland um underneath the bank of England and underneath the Federal Reserve building in Manhattan um and Czechoslovakian Central Bank gets invaded Hitler's henchmen go to the head of the Czechoslovakian Central Bank and say tell the bis to turn over all of Czech uh Reserve gold to to Germany and they had guns to their head and they did it thinking that bis would understand not
(55:58) to do this but no the bis did it they they they they transferred the money into the German account and then Germany requested physical delivery and the bis ordered gold from their vaults in Amsterdam to be driven to Berlin uh to essentially continue to fund the Third Reich so this this type of stuff has been you know well documented I mean I'm not coming up with this from some sort of conspiracy theory junk I mean this is all a ailable if you know where to look and you're able to find the source documentation it's insane how
(56:34) overtly corrupt it is have you been uh following Tom Lang Longo and his his ideas at all uh I'm not familiar U you can refresh my memory tell me a little bit about it if you want well the reason I ask is I I I have a question and I'll back back into the backstory of the question which is like can they lose control of this Frankenstein and what would lead to that um can they lose control at a time that is much earlier than than they would like and what could lead to that one of the things I think could lead to that is if
(57:09) these um large uh power Brokers globally at the Central Banking layer and governmental layer um basically Feud with each other and so Tom's got this theory that there's essentially an inter cabal squabble currently going on which is the US Federal Reserve and its Commercial Banking interests that are behind the Federal Reserve basically looking at what the davo class would like to do in terms of ushering in global communism and Central Bank digital currencies and he believes that we're in a financial War right now between the US
(57:47) and the European Union where the FED has jacked rates up and held them there high in an attempt to drain offshore euro dollar markets so that the European Communists can't fund themselves to to bring about um the great reset if you will um is that uh well I I think there's a there's a lot kind of to unpack there and I think that's an interesting Theory and I do agree that it's not like there's some I don't think there's like one single truly existent like Illuminati Bilderberg type
(58:24) organization where you get like 10 15 people in a room and this actually is where everything is decided and maybe there's even one person who's in charge of that and that's the whole world I do think there are different tentacles of the octopus if you will I think there's a there's the the biggest level is kind of a western level and a non-western level if you will and I think those are definitely feuding right now it's kind of you could think about it as like the bricks and the um kind of us European in
(58:57) kind of anglo-american postor War II uh you know alliances and then within that I think there also are of course factions right I mean and I think it makes total sense that there is some issues right now between the European Central Bank and um the Federal Reserve I think that one of the big issues which is not very secretive is just the fact that you know Europe is in a very different situation than uh the US right now um especially countries like um which is not part of the the Euro but the the UK where you know people don't
(59:35) have 30-year fix rate mortgages like in the UK mortgages are going to start to reset and high interest rates are going to be very problematic for that same thing in places like Canada and then you know you have the Federal Reserve keeping rates at 5% and it is a bit of an economic Warfare right because you you have you have a 5% rate what you do is you're drawing in capital because people want that high rate um you're you're you're forcing people as you said like selling euro dollar assets to fund
(1:00:02) things and the euro dollar market is you know it it's really you know where most of the action happens it actually doesn't happen in in the US um the euro dollar it doesn't really have anything to do with Euro anymore it just means any dollar that's held outside of a a Federal Reserve regulated depository institution so any any dollars that are held in Banks and financial institutions outside of us regulations um which was something that was essentially set up uh post Breton Woods by the London Banks um
(1:00:36) they took all these Backwater islands that they still owned as protector protectorates like Turks and caos and Bahamas and Cayman and they essentially created an entire Offshore Banking industry and they got explicit permission from the bank of England to do whatever they want unregulated the bank of England said you do whatever you want over there as as long as you're dealing in dollars it's none of our business we only regulate the pound and so you know the euro dollar system is a criminal money laundering system in the
(1:01:05) order of probably a hundred trillion dollars or who knows how much it is really um that's completely unregulated and people can do do anything so I think there's a little bit of a roundabout way to get to your question but could I see tensions happening between the United States powers in this cabal and the European powers right now yes and it makes total sense because it's when the stuff's about to hit the fan when you're going to get these internal squabbles right when everything's going good then
(1:01:34) everybody can be on the same page and everybody's happy but as we get closer to this Crescendo point and incentives start to diverge I do think that you're going to get um more and more of this and and it's not just euro versus US it's also uh internally right it's it's it's the national rally party and then the leftist or the Democrats and the Republicans and the US and what's going on and what it is really is it's a symptom that we saw in the 1860s where you know basically from like 1820 to
(1:02:09) 1860 real wages in the United States were cut in half as a percentage of GDP it was like the amount of purchasing power and wealth that the average person had became less than less and less and less um and the wealthy got wealthier and wealthier and wealthier until you got to the 186 where this disparity was so wide you had these counter Elites develop um you know like like Lincoln who who didn't get 50% of the vote it the the 1860 election was a three-way election you know he wasn't elected by most of the American people most of the
(1:02:41) American people thought Lincoln was nuts never wanted him to be president but you get these types of weird divergences when um you have this financial instability and so we're starting to see that you know in this country where the established leaders the clintons and the romneys are getting thrown to the side for the Bernie Sanders and the trumps because the people on instinctual level are understanding all of this and they're pissed about it and they they want to shake things up so I think I think there's a lot of volatility and
(1:03:11) and troubles uh shaking ahead yeah yeah it is uh you can imagine things would get stressful towards the end end state of all this the end game if you will so going back to the end game 27 2027 28 what are some of the events that you think will manifest between now and then that will lead to this inevitable endgame I know you mentioned Social Security but what other types of actions or Market events would you expect between now and then yeah exactly so I I think like you said this is already happening we're
(1:03:49) seeing these initial trevors whe Tremors whether it was the recent uh cudata attempt last week in Bolivia the storming of the parliament Nigeria last week I mean that's just what's happened in the last like 72 hours or something but the these are all Financial related you know like we said government takeovers you know insurrections whatever you want to call them these things are happening right now they've not completely moved into the major economies yet but they're they're they're they're already on their way the
(1:04:20) the the French elections this weekend again are another symptom of this and so I think what's going to kind of put it over the edge of was that your question like why the 2027 28 time frame or what what yeah so so I think when you the thing about the social security you know trust fund is it's an interesting thing because it it go you know it's like Hemingway said right you go bankrupt slowly and then all at once so it's essentially going to be a moment in time um coming up shortly here where Social
(1:04:55) Security is essentially fully funded meaning everybody's getting their their full check and then all of a sudden it's just not so the trust fund is just going to go to zero one month and then there's not going to be any money to pay out Social Security benefits except that money which Social Security takes in during that month from people that are paying into the system which isn't enough it would basically cause an immediate like 30% decrease in Social Security and the way the Social Security
(1:05:22) Law is written is you can't just say uh to yell in or whoever would be treasury secretary at this point in time uh whoever Trump would appoint if he wins uh go ahead and pay for Social Security out of the general account it's the Social Security Act uh completely forbids that and so it's very difficult to paper over the bankruptcy of Social Security what's going to need to happen is that Congress is going to have to agree on what to do about it and that's a very tough thing to do these days is
(1:05:55) to get Congress to agree what to do about social security and Medicare and get a president who also agrees and and to and to do a new law and there's no easy way to paper over it by just saying well we're going to delay it or we're gonna whatever I think that could be a potential thing where they they start treating Social Security like the debt ceiling where Congress comes in and says we're gonna uh you know approve you know the the treasury paying for it um while we try to figure it out but I think the
(1:06:24) signal that that is going to send to the Market is going to be that Tipping Point signal that this amount of debt issuance that there's just no way to continue to pay the unfunded liabilities of the government the deficit spending of the government the the the the non-discretionary spending of the government to do all of that without massive debt issuance or there's going to be a need for austerity and if you're if you're going to get austerity that's going to collapse everything because you
(1:06:53) know and that's never going to happen so the only way is that you're going to have to find a way to print more money and and that's going to have to be absorbed in some of the mechanisms we talked about with putting it on bank balance sheets and stuff but it's super inflationary and there will just come a point I don't know if it's necessarily in one day could be over a month or a period of a month or two where the bond market you know the bond market vigil anes you know whether it's a failed
(1:07:19) treasury auction whatever it is where these things when they happen they can just happen like that just like with with covid we within weeks you know the NASDAQ is down 50% or so I think what's going to happen is that um there there's going to come A A Tipping Point brought on by the realization that there's a massive crisis that is coming with Social Security and Medicare that's going to be the straw that breaks the proverbial camels back as far as US debt loads that's going to send shock waves
(1:07:51) and ripples through the financial markets and that once that becomes consensus once people start accepting that that this inability to fund the government without copious amounts of money printing is the only path ahead it's going to cause these spasms in the treasury market which will Ripple through the entire financial markets and and start this going and I think you know even somebody like Jeffrey gunlock who's not exactly a crazy you know conspiracy theorist guy um you know I've seen him say look the 2024 election
(1:08:22) there's not going to be a whole lot of talk about the debt deficits but when the TW by the time the 28 election runs around it will be the overriding number one issue of the next presidential election and that this this turmoil is going to happen and that it can be really bad and like apocalyptic and Wars start and it's like a craziness or it can be like what we have generally which is kind of what happened after World War I when we had the collapse after the Depression and led to World War II or it
(1:08:51) can uh be resolved uh more peacefully but not without a lot of pain such as you know massive inflation markets collapsing gold silver Bitcoin spiking massive unemployment um you know and and you have this fewe period of just total you know chaos and then from that people realize okay we need to put in a new system and you know we get through it just the way we've we've gotten through other crisises in the nation's past whether it was the you know uh almost collapse of the country because Articles
(1:09:24) of Confederation strong enough and we knew we needed to create a new Constitution or whatever it is but it's going to be a tumultuous time with a lot of volatility and a lot of craziness but that doesn't necessarily mean that a billion people are going to get killed could a billion people get killed in World War III start I think there's a non-zero probability of that do I think that's uh most likely to happen I actually don't I hope not I but I do think there's going to be a lot of craziness and chaos especially in
(1:09:52) financial markets and also in the real economy yeah I hope not to and I'm optimistic as well I think again going back to the fact that we have the ability to distribute information and most importantly the ability not to depend on the government to get these messages out to everybody we can get them out to each other and I think as things accelerate and that that situation becomes more and more obvious than it already is to more and more people they're going to intuitively say all right these guys have been lying to
(1:10:22) me about this for some time maybe I'll go get information from somewhere else and so I think that certainly plays in our favor but when you think of the scale of this it's particularly put in the context of times throughout history where similar currency debasements have happened that that is where it gets really scary when you consider how interconnected and fast the the global economy moves these days like what does that do um like what type of unique variables is that put into the equation for us living today
(1:10:57) yeah I and I think I think we could cease things you know they they go back to some of the old tricks you know um freeze shut down Banks you know shut down achs and fed wires uh and stuff for a period of days shut down the stock market while people get together and try to figure out how do we because things happen so fast that you know you have to look at what are some of the things that governments have done including our own government in the past when these Financial crises have hit and we know that Roosevelt issued under penalty of
(1:11:32) up to one year in jail or a $10,000 fine which was potentially the equivalent of a million dollars that um you know you needed to turn in all of your gold confiscation of gold uh we know he he did a bank holiday where he shut down all the banks and people couldn't get their money um we know the stock market has been shut down at different periods of time just in our lifetime after September 11th it was you know the these things can be extended I mean you you could have a situation you know uh okay the government's creating a a Global
(1:12:03) Currency wallet download it on your phone you're going to get daily ration tokens we've had rationing we had price controls with Nixon when the US went off the I mean we've had all these things so we could have stores you can't change your prices stores you're mandated by law to accept these digital tokens that are now being sent to people's wallet as ration coins for bread for the week or whatever it is they can view and and approve transaction so you can only use it for food or gas you can't use it to
(1:12:29) buy I don't know uh you know Jack Daniels or maror light so you know there's ways that they can use the technology to kind of control and kind of push through until they can get together and tell and then the people are desperate enough like oh my God I can't get any money I can't do this you know the banks are closed I can't access my brokerage accounts you know all of these things going on and I mean you know people will will start to see things like you know owning your Bitcoin and you know having it under your
(1:12:58) control and different advantages that exists with that technology and to different things will will come to light which you know or owning your physical gold um which even though they did try to confiscate it in the 30s they they weren't able to get most of it um people have looked at melt volumes of gold post confiscation um and it was only like 20 25% of the gold minted coins outstanding in the US so like 75% of people held on to their gold um so there are certain things that gold Bitcoin will be able to
(1:13:28) do that stocks bonds uh bro uh brokerage accounts bank accounts checking accounts CDs that they things that are part of the traditional Financial structure Bitcoin and ETFs uh won't be able to do um and and during this interregnum during this period of like you know when it everything is at its worst that's when you know they're going to try to come together with a plan and that's when you know it's it's going to like people will will look at it there'll be forces that want to come up with a new
(1:14:00) plan um there'll be forces that want the the wef claro Schwab globalist control you'll own nothing and you'll be happy type uh Exit Plan there'll be other people that will be like hell no to that I mean and that's where it could get tricky and and it civil unrest would not surprise me during this period National Guard troops being pulled out um you know again things that we have all seen in the past and and Society has surv survived all of these things we've survived revolutions we've survived
(1:14:29) Chaos on the streets we've survived National Guard we you know but it it is going to be something that for most people they perhaps have never seen anything like it in their lifetime unless they're from I don't know maybe somewhere like a Venezuela or a different country because Emerging Markets have seen this In Our Lifetime but the US has never seen this In Our Lifetime what's going to happen no no my hope is that um I mean with great chaos comes great opportunity as well and you've already mentioned
(1:15:01) gold Bitcoin silver are probably going to benefit massively from this and I imagine in the end game what I would love to see happen is that things hit the fan the information gets out to the public that the central banks and the governments created this problem exacerbated the problem and got this to its end state it would be utterly insane to give them fire hose when they're the arsonist and say hey fix this problem and I hope that Bitcoin is big enough and distributed enough amongst individuals we'll just
(1:15:35) talk uh from the US perspective that there's enough US citizens with sizeable Bitcoin balances and maybe even gold and silver that they can just go out and recapitalize the markets just buy assets for pennies on the dollar spin them up operate them and get the economy back up and running um completely avoid the cbdc world that they're going to try and shovel us into but that's again going to come down to um people accumulating Bitcoin holding it and then having the balls to go out and actually allocate
(1:16:09) that Capital to scoop up assets and get things humming again yeah I mean there's so many variables in how exactly this this could turn and I do think that the the power of the military and the power of um physical Co coercion creates some of some of what you just laid out maybe problematic to Institute and and I I do worry about you know will people you know not go down without a fight but that like let's say they try to do the CBC and people want a a Bitcoin oriented solution and it makes the most sense and that's obvious to
(1:16:49) everybody they might try to shove this CBD stuff down our throats but it you can't have these like moments like the the bloodless Revolution or uh you can have these moments where the people's voice is so clear that the government understands like okay you know we can't shoot every single human being on the planet or the military says enough is enough we're not going to go out to the streets and start mowing down people because you know you want to keep control of your banking uh monopolies and that you you could almost
(1:17:21) get this kind of um revolutionary impulse that that could be very beneficial and so I think there's a lot of variables in the air of how this could all go down I think right now their hope is that they're going to be able to try to manage this with like a controlled demolition of the dollar and then put in whatever system they want but I think the best L plans of M and Men often go astray and that they there's this you know very real potential for for this managed demolition to to not work and that
(1:17:54) you're going to get get this crisis moment and then you're going to get this kind of existential moment of like what do we do how do we we go forward and I think there are these um these tools available to us that have never been there and I think when you look at at Bitcoin and you look at what it does you look at its tie to energy you look at its uh 21 million limitation you look at its um decentralized nature and you look at the the platform that it provides there's a lot of Hope and solution there
(1:18:23) um how everything EX ly is going to turn out um I think is is is to be determined but I'm with you I'm I'm hopeful that you know somehow we come through this with something better um even if there is a little bit of pain along the way and hopefully that Pain's not too bad and it doesn't cause too many people their lives yeah you have to M like being a history buff and looking at the leaders that we have in positions of power whether that be in the government again we mentioned the president United
(1:18:55) States is currently not cognit cognitively inclined uh even Donald Trump he is definitely sharper but he's older uh you look at Janet Yellen at the treasury Pal's definitely a bit younger then you look over like Christine lagard mccrone these are all people that are widely hated to a certain degree um yeah and so it's like they're not sending their best and that's what I wonder like have they've gotten so humoristic so cocky and so complete complacent with their ability to basically things wave a wand
(1:19:31) or pull a lever behind a curtain like The Wizard of Oz make things happen that they they severely discount the disdain that most people have for them and the individual will to make sure that they don't get control of the system uh on the back end of this end game yeah I I I mean I think like Biden is a little bit of like the wet dream of these people like a completely dementia ridden old man that they can just direct wherever they want I mean because they never want anybody sitting in that chair that they
(1:20:04) don't have complete control over and even if you go back to other presidents whether it's George Bush or Barack Obama or Bill Clinton I mean when the rubber meets the road on things that this you know deep State apparatus wants they find ways to force it I mean you can read it in like Memoirs like like like Clinton never wanted to get involved with the whole Co of thing in the 90s he didn't want to get the US military involved but there were like deep economic State actors people like wolf wolitz people like MN Albright people
(1:20:34) that were like essentially forcing his hand to do these types of things I think if you look at Bush like I mean there were like total Powers trying to force him to keep rolling after he took out uh Saddam in like 2003 in Iraq like you know Israel um other kind of deep State type actors like they were all pushing like hey man this is great you just took down Saddam and Iraq like that let's keep going let's go into Syria let's take care of Iran like there's always these forces that are trying to like
(1:21:05) propagate these kind of you know agendas behind the scenes and I think when you look at some of the leadership that we have today I think that some of it is not really by accident I think it's almost like this is what we want we we want a leader that somehow we can manipulate because if you got someone who truly was was independent and that actually wanted to uh change things for the better into some of these very high ranking positions um you know that that that's what scares them the most I think and I I I do think that Trump I think I
(1:21:44) I mean I can't know man's soul I think he wants to make these changes I think at least in his first term there were times he was just way out of his depth and he got manipulated by the swamp and he got you know we'll see we'll see if he gets in what he does or how they come after him to stop him um I think it whether it's you know Biden I think he's just an easy puppet for them to manipulate so they wouldn't be mad if he stayed in there um so I I think all this stuff does go on be behind the scenes
(1:22:11) and it's really uh I mean it's really scary and it's really kind of tricky and it's it's really kind of depressing to when you just look at some of the leaders that we have and I mean there so many better people out there for these important roles and you wonder why are these people in there and I think they're in there because the powers that we want these types of people in there yeah it's really insulting when you get down to like the brass tax of it it's like they're telling you not to believe Your Lying
(1:22:41) Eyes they're putting overtly corrupt individuals and positions of power and telling them telling the public that they're there to help them when objectively if you just look back over the the last century these centralizing forces whether being governments or or banking have really really like really been to the detriment of the Common Man the little man if you will well well I mean really quick I mean one of the big things that Leen uh in in Europe changed was originally she was adamant about taking France out of the Euro and you know not
(1:23:21) being part of the ECB anymore and she changed her tune on that you know like you know it's like sometimes like you'll see like there's a certain point that they'll kind of let people go to but then they when you start talking about like printing your own money and not being part of the central banking system or re removing yourself from some of these globalist things like and so it's really interesting how I don't know how they sometimes get to people but I think they honestly do get to people I think
(1:23:49) there are people that want to do some one thing and they realize I'll never get to into Power unless I compromise on this or that issue and that's the most important issue to to these uh you know banking cartel type uh players I mean we saw what Mike Johnson here in the US he mean he explicitly said like somebody asked him like why did you change your tune tuned on a bunch of these policies and he said well I had a meeting and it really changed my mind like it came out yeah yeah they like go into a room
(1:24:21) and they're like okay you know X Y and Z were fine with trying to push that but you know AB andc it's off the table and and you know I don't know what they say you know you want your grandchildren to see tomorrow I mean who knows what goes on but I mean they they get to people somehow you you just see people when they get into power that talked one way before and then they get actually into power and the things that they said they wanted to do that are truly disruptive to this status quo of of international corruption and deep
(1:24:52) economic State when they truly want to do something to dism of that all of a sudden you know nothing comes of it yeah they bring him in the room and they say uh here's the real bullet that actually killed JFK it's a yeah exactly I mean you you look at like the leaders they take out I mean there's a commonality between people like Saddam Hussein or Gaddafi like they all had like central banks that were not they weren't lending they they didn't they didn't do what we talked about in the
(1:25:19) beginning where you use the banking system to get your money and you pay the interest they like printed um you know like there there are these histories examples in history of of countries that just printed their own money and didn't use Central Bank mechanisms and like they're all taken out and you I mean people have talked about like JFK was talking about doing this he was taking out Lincoln did this with the greenbacks he was taken out um there there's just this this point Thomas Jefferson I mean
(1:25:48) he did not want uh the First Central Bank of the United States um to continue and that secretary treasury I mentioned Albert uh Gallatin who was great on everything else and um eventually you know caved in and said oh no we're gonna continue this uh he he voted to continue the central bank now it didn't pass in Congress and the First Central Bank went extinct after its 20-year Charter went up and that was in 1811 and the very next year after we got rid of our Central Bank we're in a war with Britain the war of 18 1812 begins
(1:26:25) and so they go after you when you try to get rid of central banks and what happens after the war of 1812 well the war is over but we get the second Central Bank of the United States which was you know eventually taken out by Andrew Jackson but like they they'll go after you um if you don't play ball in this in this massive International um system and it's uh it's really scary when you when you look at it yeah yeah it really is and do you um so how do you think anybody listening to this should
(1:27:00) position themselves obviously we got gold Bitcoin silver stocks in real estate will probably go up temporarily until it's obvious that um things are in the endgame um when we hit that suddenly moment but what else do you think individuals should be doing to prepare themselves for 2027 2028 yeah exactly so I I do think they're going to try to perpetuate this kind of AI glp1 uh stock market bubble um I think that that probably has another at at least you know 18 24 months could could even go on a little bit longer because
(1:27:40) all these rabbits in the hat that I talk about um so I what I would say for people playing the markets is like if you've got good gains and and you know you're uh you're in a good position position or you're trying to play it like don't be surprised to see it keep going higher and and I'm not telling anybody sell all your stock positions personally I'm not selling all my stock positions yet I'm slowly getting out um you know a couple percentage a month here and there um when I see opportunities and moving that
(1:28:13) into Bitcoin and gold and silver I I also own and I'm looking to buy more um land not homes um or rental properties I own a few rental properties as well but I'm I'm looking at just land uh vac vacant land um because I think that that's something that uh will not only hold its value but likely increase in value with uh with the what will soon be kind of worthless dollars that I would use to to pay for it right now and so I think these these real assets um like gold and silver and land along with
(1:28:49) Bitcoin are going to be your kind of true north of of where you want to be depending on how Nimble you are um you know I think start starting to prepare by reducing your your Equity exposure um but but you don't want to give up on the gains that could come because often when these hockey stick bubbles happen you know most of the gains actually happen in like the last six to 12 month period like you could you could see something crazy like the S&P shoot up to 89,000 um by the end of like say 27 or 28 and maybe even 10,000 by the time
(1:29:21) this collapse starts you know more than double from here so I think there's still a lot of gains left in the markets um and what I do think is the worst thing possible to hold and I doubt much of the audience holds it but it's any type of debt that has a maturity of over six months right it the the the worst thing for the worst position to be in during inflation is to to have been a creditor when you loan people money um obviously they're going to be able to pay it back at less and so I think if
(1:29:49) there are any any people listening here or maybe they take care of the finances for a loved one for an elderly parent and the elderly parent has 60% of their portfolio in bonds um maybe you want to have a conversation with them and say Mom Dad um you know maybe this portfolio should should move towards you know treasury bills instead of you know uh Bond mutual funds that have like seven eight uh year duration uh because this is coming so I think those are some practical things on like the investment front I think you know if if you're
(1:30:25) uh holding large amounts of of cash or things at Banks you also want to be very careful about that because like I said if this really uh starts hitting the fan you know bank holidays freezing up assets um not allowing all those assets to be withdrawn these things are are all possible so I mean I think those are some basic things and you know um if you're really out there and you want to you know prep a little place to go to it might not be a bad idea but I know not everybody has the means to do that but I
(1:30:58) don't think that's a completely foolish thing to do if you have the the means to set up a little cabin in the woods somewhere as H somewhere to go yeah be prepared better to move early than late especially in the end game um and if you're here listening and you're into Bitcoin you're probably moving much earlier than most and yeah it is scary a bit unnerving but to even attempt to solve a problem you have to understand it and so I think this was a great hour and a half to to deeply understand the problem how we got
(1:31:35) here and what lays before us and it is crazy I mean again like I said earlier you can just feel it socially like everybody's under pressure from inflation it seems pretty apparent that we're going to have 70 style Echo wave of inflation um on the back half of this decade and you got to know that this stuff is going on and prepare and then equip yourself with the knowledge and then hopefully by understanding the the problem more intuitively you can begin to work on Solutions which is why we do this show why I'm I've dedicated my life
(1:32:12) to bitcoin specifically is because I think it is a massive solution to the problem of Central Banking which has gotten us into this terrible place in history yeah absolutely and and you know there's just there's so many millions of things that we could pile on to the Litany of reasons why we're in trouble with this stuff right we didn't even really talk about what's happening with the central banks of you know foreign countries and their G jettison of of treasuries and we didn't talk about you
(1:32:43) know what's happening um from economic standpoints with with energy we didn't talk about you know the geopolitics of stuff in Ukraine or Israel and different things that are just kind of all happening before our eyes and you know we I I said I hope we don't lose too many lives during this I didn't say I hope we lose no lives because we re I really believe we've already lost lives I think the the dozens of people that were shot to death on the streets of Nigeria last week because of IMF loans
(1:33:12) are our casualties in this already so people are dying because of the economic decisions that the global powers are making um they're dying on the streets already and I just like you know not this it's just not unfortunately it's it's not hyperbole it's it's the facts so hopefully we you know the people that are listening like they're in a good position or they're getting themselves in a good position and we can navigate through this this tough time uh without too much damage being done but I think
(1:33:44) it damage is already being done I just hope it's not as bad as it could be yeah well thank you for your time this afternoon Mel thank you for writing the book where can any body who's so interested find quas pick it up support your work yeah so uh book is available wherever books are sold Amazon Walmarts Barnes & nobl if you have an independent seller you like to work with you can tell them quas Financial Thriller by Mel Madison and they'd be able to to order it from their supplier uh the audio book
(1:34:17) was a kind of a delayed release it's available for pre-order now on Amazon or or Barnes & Noble or what what have you it's being released next next Tuesday July 9th for audio people and then if people want to see any more videos I've done or stuff I have kind of a library I'm building on my website uh Mel madison.
(1:34:35) com and I just started getting involved a little bit posting of things here or there on Twitter at Mel madison1 if people want to follow me on Twitter or check out my website um that'd be great too but if you're interested to these topics and you like finan or you like Thriller novels I think uh quas could be a good fit for you so I'd appreciate it if anybody wants to check it out the other thing uh not to pitch my book I'm not getting paid for this but if you want to learn more about the bank for
(1:35:00) international settlements in detail there's a really good non-fiction work called the Tower of Basel the shadowy history of the secret ba secret bank that runs the world and it's a non-fiction title that talks about all Al all the stuff I discussed about the bis as well go check it out freaks Mel thank you for your time really appreciate it enjoy the rest of your day thanks Mari I appreciate you having me all right peace love freaks