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The Sat Standard - March 21st, 2020

The Sat Standard - March 21st, 2020

Mar 21, 2020
The Sat Standard

The Sat Standard - March 21st, 2020

Thought of the week from Marty Bent:
The number of people asking me about Bitcoin increased significantly this week.

Thought of the week from Matt Odell:
This crisis appears to be accelerating many of the trends we have been watching over the last few years. Change is coming and it is coming faster than we thought.

- Remote Work
- Automation
- 3D Printing
- Video Streaming
- Virtual Reality
- Localized supply chains
- Independent journalism
- Chinese dominance
- Increased surveillance
- Social media censorship
- The war on encryption
- Reduced cash usage
- The need for money that is independent of world governments and corporations.


Join us for a weekly discussion of this list on Rabbit Hole Recap


Charles Marohn

  • How America has been very wasteful with resources for the last five decades
  • The problems with top-down decision making
  • Why centralized economies "on the bike" don't work in the long-run
  • The morality of Fed policy
  • Parallels between modern day America and the Weimar Repulic
  • How small towns can start over and stand on their own two feet
  • Value per acre
  • Creating community
  • Bringing design thinking to city building
  • Activating unused spaces

Rabbit Hole Recap - Stimulus Package #1

  • Due to the ongoing crisis we will be adding a second Rabbit Hole Recap per week that drops on Mondays.

Wringing Of The Rag


Current Block Height

Current Mempool Size

Current Difficulty
