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When Health Insurance Websites Channel the DMV.

When Health Insurance Websites Channel the DMV.

May 6, 2024

When Health Insurance Websites Channel the DMV.

In an era where digital presence is synonymous with customer satisfaction, many health insurance providers are falling behind. Despite their critical role in our healthcare ecosystem, 32% of health insurance websites and apps lack the basic functionality necessary to access your health insurance. In a world where digital innovation should be making life easier, it feels ironically hilarious that many health insurance platforms seem to have modeled their user experience on a 1980s government office.

The Digital Disappointment in Health Insurance

It’s no secret that a well-designed digital tool can enhance how we manage our health care. Yet, as recent studies highlight, health insurance companies are notably lagging. The average satisfaction scores—a mere 646 for commercial plans and 629 for Medicare Advantage—contrast starkly with other industries like self-directed wealth management, which boasts scores of 718.

It's like a rite of passage—entering the labyrinth of a health insurance website only to find yourself trapped in a user interface from the dark ages. With more dropdowns than a game of Tetris and fonts that scream 'retro' (and not in a good way), these sites leave you yearning for the simplicity of something, say, as straightforward as assembling IKEA furniture without instructions.

Health Insurance Premiums: Making Americans Go Bankrupt
The Truth About Health Insurance Deductibles.

How Traditional Health Insurers Miss the Mark

Fundamental flaws in design and functionality are not just minor setbacks—they are major roadblocks for users navigating their health coverage. A significant 42% of users report issues in accessing or using features that should be standard, such as coverage details, deductible tracking, and telehealth options. These are not just features but essentials defining the reliability and efficiency of healthcare access.

Here’s the thing: if your website's interface is inspired by a government website, you are in big trouble. Americans would need a guide dog to navigate the convoluted pathways that lead to essential information like plan details or claims forms. And let’s not even talk about mobile responsiveness—because some health insurers haven’t heard that people use smartphones now.

Why Crowdhealth Is Different

To start, CrowdHeath is not health insurance; CrowdHealth is a peer-to-peer funding platform that enables its members to pay for large healthcare bills and operate the complexities of American healthcare without health insurance. With CrowdHealth's app, you can access virtual primary care, virtual urgent care, and a personal care advocate who guides you on healthcare journeys, large or small. Additionally, you can submit your bills in under 30 seconds. CrowdHealth's AI technology will read the bills and send them to the community for funding.

Conclusion: Time for Change

When health insurance websites fail to meet basic usability standards, it’s not just annoying—it’s detrimental. It affects how we manage our health and wellness and can deter people from taking full advantage of their benefits. This isn't just a minor inconvenience; it's a barrier to effective health management.

It's 2024, and it's high time health insurance companies realized their customers deserve better than a digital relic reminiscent of a 1980s government office. As someone who worked in the industry before starting Crowdhealth, I know they won't change. So we are going to change it for them. We will fund people and give them the basic information they need to understand what is going on with their health. You can see what we are doing for our members below.

If you want to learn more about what Crowdhealth could do for you, you can get an exclusive three-month membership offer for $89 HERE.

Let's fund each other. Not Health insurance middlemen.


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